3 Natural Remedies With Mint To Eliminate Bad Breath

Halitosis is not always the result of poor oral hygiene, so we need to know some natural remedies that will help us fight it in different ways.
Halitosis - 3 mint remedies 

Mint-based remedies to relieve halitosis can help us fight this ailment that we often feel ashamed of.

Contrary to what many people think, halitosis does not mean that we are not maintaining enough oral hygiene. In the vast majority of cases, halitosis is caused by other factors.

For example, digestive problems can lead to bad breath. The same thing happens when we tend to eat foods with a strong, distinct flavor (onions, spicy sauces, garlic). In other cases, halitosis also arises if we suffer from the so-called “Dry mouth.”

Although we take chewing gum and even use mouth sprays for bad breath, these remedies are not as natural as we might wish. Therefore, today you will discover 3 natural remedies based on natural mint. You will find that not only will they alleviate bad breath, they will also help you keep it under control.

Mint-based remedies to relieve halitosis

1. Mint infusion

The ideal way to make mint tea, however, is not to buy it in sachets. We mean those bags that you pour hot water over and wait 15 minutes before drinking. It will be much better to buy or otherwise obtain natural mint leaves.

Mint infusion

If you already have them, carefully select 4 fresh mint leaves and put them in a saucepan of water. Put the pot on the fire and cook for a few minutes. When the infusion is ready, leave it for a few minutes and then chill it a little before drinking the tea.

The mint infusion should be taken 2 to 3 times a day, preferably after meals. We can drink it during breakfast and after eating. After a few days, we will discover how much our breathing improves and becomes fresh and pleasant.

2. Chewing mint leaves

This is another mint-based remedy that relieves bad breath in a very comfortable way. Instead of carrying around chewing gum or some other product that doesn’t actually solve our problem as expected, we can choose mint leaves.

Just 2 leaves are enough to get a fresh breath and free yourself from embarrassing halitosis. To achieve this, we must keep the mint leaves in our mouths for as long as possible. The recommended time to take advantage of its benefits is 3 to 5 minutes.

Mint leaves.

It is a very convenient way to carry a very natural and effective remedy with you that will give you immediate relief at any time.

If we are going to eat a meal or if we stop with someone for coffee, the mint leaves will help us avoid bad breath. Don’t underestimate this as halitosis can arise unexpectedly and put you in an uncomfortable position.

3. Natural mint juice

The last mint-based remedy that effectively relieves bad breath is perfect for summer consumption, as we can also drink it with some ice if we want.


  • A handful of mint leaves.
  • 2 kiwi fruit in good condition.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).
  • 1 peach
  • Water – quantity at your discretion

What should i do?

  • What we are going to do is wash the fruits very well and chop them together with the mint.
  • Then, put all these ingredients in a blender together with the water. The amount of water you use depends on the taste of each of us, depending on whether we want our juice to be more fluid or rather thicker.
  • Likewise, if 2 tablespoons of honey make the juice too sweet for us, we can reduce this amount.
  • When we have everything well mixed, we can drink the juice. It is important to take it in the morning and on an empty stomach. But you can also drink it at any time of the day. However, its effects will be better if we take it outside of meals.

The action of this juice effectively improves our halitosis, as it not only refreshes the mouth, but also calms our stomach and helps release toxins. We must be aware that poor digestion is one of the leading causes of bad breath.


Have you ever used any of the mint-based remedies listed to relieve halitosis? Which one gave the best results? Hopefully, if you suffer from halitosis, try these 3 simple and natural remedies.

In any case, if bad breath persists despite frequent teeth brushing and medication, it is advisable to see a doctor. Causes, such as missing teeth or Zenker diverticula, can only be resolved with specialist treatment, so they should not be neglected.

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