7 Natural Ways To Expel Kidney Stones

The following natural remedies are just as effective as synthetic drugs from pharmacy shelves. Always, however, before deciding to use them, consult a doctor, because they are not always helpful, and may even exacerbate the symptoms of the disease.
Get rid of kidney stones with home remedies!

The formation of kidney stones is a health problem that can have very serious consequences for our body.

The main symptom of the presence of foreign bodies in the kidneys and their movement through the ureters is severe pain, the intensity of which can be comparable to the pain in labor.

If you want to avoid unpleasant and very painful consequences related to the movement of kidney stones  from the kidneys to the bladder, be sure to use natural diuretic products that regularly cleanse not only the kidneys, but also the entire body of toxins and other harmful substances.

Learn with us today the best home remedies for the natural expulsion of kidney stones. Remember that thanks to a proper diet, we are able to significantly alleviate the symptoms of kidney stones and remove the deposits formed in the kidneys as painlessly as possible.

The following products have very strong healing properties. What’s more, they are completely safe for our body and do not cause any undesirable side effects.

Take care of your kidneys from today by introducing changes to your daily diet, reaching for herbs, medicinal products and using simple natural medicine treatments!

Find out the chemical composition of kidney stones!

The size of the kidney stones

Using the basic classification of kidney stones, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Oxalate stones . The diet for these types of stones should be based on foods low in calcium and oxalic acid.
  • Phosphate stones . As in the case above, avoid foods high in calcium and oxalic acid.
  • Gout stones . The diet of these types of stones is based on limiting the consumption of foods high in purine.

It is worth emphasizing that kidney stones are much more common in men than in women. Genetic factors, i.e. an inherited predisposition to develop kidney stones, also play an important role here.

K amica renal diet and daily

Apart from genetic determinants, the formation of kidney stones is greatly influenced by our daily diet.

If you want to solve the problem quickly and effectively, give up eating some products that stimulate the development of kidney stones and regularly use home-made, all-natural treatments.

Prohibited products

An extremely important step in the treatment of kidney stones is to understand the group of foods that promote stone formation.

Both people who are struggling with this problem and those with an increased risk of developing the disease due to genetic conditions should resign from them.

Which products stimulate the development of kidney stones?

  • Milk and its products
  • Sugar
  • Saccharose
  • Red meat
  • Seafood

In order to permanently get rid of the problem of kidney stones, it is necessary to minimize or completely eliminate the above-mentioned products in our daily diet.

Although at first glance such a change may seem like a serious revolution, you will get used to the new tastes after a short time.

There are many different substitutes. Instead of traditional cow’s milk, use plant-based milk (almond, oat, coconut). Choose fish instead of red meat. Replace sugar with natural sweeteners (honey, stevia) and replace refined flour with whole grain.

Natural methods of treating kidney stones

In addition to permanent changes in your diet, you should also regularly consume medicinal products that help you get rid of kidney stones quickly and effectively.

Meet the most effective of them!

1. Juices with an alkalising effect

Kidney stones begin to form when our body builds up excess acid. To restore the correct pH inside the body, include alkaline foods in your daily diet.

They help stabilize the pH and prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Fresh beetroot juice for kidney stones

A quick and very effective way to neutralize excessive acidity in the body is the regular consumption of green juices, which fantastically deacidify the body and provide it with valuable nutrients.

Fresh, green juices and smoothies should be consumed regularly. Below you will find a few ingredients that you can combine with each other depending on your culinary preferences. Each of them has a strong alkalizing effect and quickly and effectively regulates the pH level of the body.

  • Green leafy vegetables (celery, arugula, lettuce, radish leaves, kale …)
  • Apple
  • Green cucumber
  • Ginger
  • Lemon

Combine the above ingredients as you like. Green juice will not only cleanse the body of deposits, but also strengthen immunity and nourish all body cells!

2. Taking magnesium

Numerous studies have confirmed that magnesium is effective in preventing stone formation – it inhibits the crystallization process and neutralizes the acidity level in the body.

It is worth noting that magnesium is a mineral that not only helps to cleanse the urinary system of deposits.

It also positively influences many other processes in the body: it helps to relieve muscle spasms, soothes headaches, prevents insomnia, strengthens the nervous system, reduces the risk of a heart attack …

So take magnesium regularly in the form of a dietary supplement. It is recommended to consume magnesium citrate , which is easily absorbed and has a gentle laxative effect.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another ingredient that should not be missing in any healthy diet, especially in people who are at increased risk of developing kidney stones.

This vitamin in urine binds lime and its structure, thus preventing its separation and formation of stone-forming deposits.

Products rich in vitamin C.

Make a habit of drinking water with fresh lemon juice in the morning. It will help you gradually improve the health of the urinary system and eliminate the deposits that have accumulated so far.

If you do not have lemons in the refrigerator, you can reach for a dietary supplement in the form of vitamin C or enrich your daily diet with other products that contain a large amount of it. These include, among others:

  • Acerola (Barbados Cherry)
  • Rosehips
  • Guava
  • Red fruits (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants …)
  • Fresh parsley leaves
  • Kiwi

4. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts – not only a delicious and nourishing addition to dishes and desserts, but above all an effective, natural medicine that prevents the formation of kidney stones and supports their painless removal from the body.

If you are genetically prone to build up of urinary tract plaque, you should include hazelnuts in your daily diet.

Thanks to them, you will keep the kidneys, ureters and bladder clean. And if you’ve already been diagnosed with urolithiasis, these delicious nuts will aid healing by accelerating the breakdown of build-up.

A great alternative to fresh nuts is the preparation of homemade hazelnut cream with the addition of bitter cocoa. Avoid those ready-made from store shelves, because they contain huge amounts of sugar and milk.

By preparing the spreads for toast and pancakes yourself, you can be sure that it is healthy and will not bring your body any unwanted side effects.

5. Water, water and more water!

Taking large amounts of water is the cheapest and one of the most effective methods of preventing urolithiasis and treating existing kidney stones. So try to drink at least two liters of water a day.

Always start your day with a glass of lukewarm water and lemon juice. Consuming natural lemonade on an empty stomach naturally stimulates the body’s cleansing process of toxins and deposits, and helps replenish the fluids lost during sleep.

Woman drinking water

You don’t have to drink pure water only – you can prepare different flavors by adding a lemon slice, a few leaves of mint or lemon balm, chia seeds, various herbs … The most important thing is to drink at least two liters of healthy, unsweetened drinks every day.

6. Field horsetail

Field horsetail is a plant with very strong healing properties. It is famous mainly for its diuretic effect, which greatly supports the process of cleansing the body of toxins and other unnecessary metabolic products residing in it.

What’s more, horsetail infusion improves kidney function, provides cells with valuable nutrients and has anti-inflammatory properties. In order to make the most of the healing properties of horsetail, regular treatments that improve the functions of the urinary system should be carried out.

The best solution is to consume the infusion systematically for several or several days in a row. Then set it aside for a few days and repeat the process again.

7. Local application of heat

One of the natural methods of treating kidney stones and, above all, alleviating the pain caused by their passage through the urinary tract, is the local application of warm compresses. They should be used mainly in the lumbar spine, in its lower part.

Back pain caused by kidney stones

So get a hot water bottle or fill a plastic bag or a bottle yourself with warm water – the effect of a warm compress will be the same. See for yourself that this method is a fantastic pain relief and provides immediate relief, especially when persistent pain keeps us awake.

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