7 Oils For Hair Growth

Regular use of essential oils (such as coconut, castor, and jojoba) can significantly boost your hair growth. Remember that you also need to follow a balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Six essential oils that boost hair growth

You’ve probably heard that essential oils can be beneficial for hair growth . But do you know which ones are best for this purpose? Have you ever tried this?

First and foremost, to promote hair growth , you should eat a balanced diet and generally follow good lifestyle habits. But in addition, you can use essential oils. For example, in the form of a rinse or mask.

Regular use of essential oils (such as coconut, castor, and jojoba) can significantly boost your hair growth. Remember that you also need to follow a balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Six essential oils for hair growth

Scientists have conducted detailed studies of the relationship between the rate of hair growth and the use of essential oils. However, no scientific literature has ever shown that they are fully effective in all cases and scenarios.

Nevertheless, these treatments have been around for a long time, and that’s because people believe that using them can nourish the hair and accelerate its growth.

Important information to start with

If you have sensitive skin or any other chronic skin condition, consult a dermatologist before applying the oil to your hair. Test your skin for allergies by placing a small drop of essential oil on your forearm and assess its reaction after a few minutes.

According to experts from Medical News Today, the best way to promote hair growth is by maintaining a well-balanced diet and an overall healthy lifestyle.

People choose this or that oil because of its composition and aroma that attract them the most. That’s why some people choose coconut while others prefer argan or almond oil.

1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil composed of medium-chain triglycerides can help boost hair growth. These substances can penetrate the hair’s cell membrane and nourish it deeply.

Coconut oil

How to use this essential oil for hair growth?

  • Apply a little coconut oil to the entire scalp and massage gently for a few minutes.
  • You can also use it as a base for a hair mask, for example with avocado.

2. Olive oil is one of the best essential oils for hair growth

Olive oil can also help boost hair growth. In fact, it is one of the most commercially available products. It is also a common ingredient in many beauty and hair care cosmetics.

Olive oil can deeply nourish your scalp and make your hair soft and shiny.

How to use the described product for hair growth?

  • It’s best to apply olive oil directly to your scalp and hair ends for best results.
  • Mix with rosemary oil for better results.
  • Apply oil to your hair once a week as a complementary treatment to take full advantage of this treatment.

3. Castor oil

Castor oil is well known for its moisturizing properties as well as for boosting the growth of hair and eyelashes. It has a fairly mild aroma.

Castor oil for hair growth

How to use the described oil for hair growth?

  • Apply it on your scalp by gently massaging it for a few minutes
  • Repeat the procedure every time you wash your hair to nourish and moisturize it frequently

4. Jojoba oil for hair growth

This is another essential oil that promotes hair growth. However, this one does it in a rather unique way. This is because unlike other essential oils, jojoba does not penetrate the hair. Instead, it “hugs” and seals the follicles, thus preventing breakage and hair loss.

How to use the described oil for hair growth?

  • Apply directly to the hair and scalp, then rinse off to avoid feeling greasy.
  • Another option is to add jojoba oil to your regular shampoo in a ratio of 1 to 4 and then use this mixture like your regular shampoo.

5. Rosemary essential oil

This plant has both internal and external healing properties. Thanks to this, it can stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. People have been using this oil for a long time and they really believe that it accelerates hair growth and prevents hair loss. In addition, it is also good for dandruff and softens brittle hair.

Rosemary oil

How to use the described oil for hair growth?

  • First, apply it directly to your hair and scalp.
  • To enhance its effects, mix and heat a tablespoon of rosemary oil, a tablespoon of olive oil and a few dried rosemary leaves. Apply this mixture to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water.
  • Like the oils mentioned above, this one also acts as a conditioner for your hair and gives it a silky appearance. It also regulates the production of sebum in the scalp to keep the hair roots clean and moisturized.

6. Avocado Oil

Finally, we present avocado oil. It can also accelerate hair growth. It is distinguished by a high content of fatty acids and vitamins. For this reason, it is one of the best hair care substances.

Avocado oil

Among other things, avocados contain vitamins A, B6, and E that can nourish your hair. In addition, this fruit is rich in antioxidants that can increase blood flow to the hair follicles and thus promote hair growth.

How to use the described oil for hair growth?

  • First, heat a tablespoon of avocado oil and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Then, apply this mixture to your hair, gently massaging the entire scalp.
  • Finally, wrap your hair in a towel and let it sit for 20 minutes. After this time, rinse your head with lukewarm water.

Other essential oils for hair growth

The oils mentioned above are most often used for this purpose, but there are also many other products with valuable properties. These include, among others:

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil can effectively reduce excess sebum. According to some studies, it regulates the concentration of linoleic acid in the skin, reducing the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.

Lavender oil

This is great for oily scalp that produces too much sebum. This is because lavender oil helps balance its pH and cleanse the hair follicles, allowing new hair to grow properly.

In addition, numerous studies support the benefits of faster hair growth due to increased blood flow.

Almond oil

Like other oils used for this purpose, this one strengthens the scalp, moisturizes it and reduces excess sebum. We also know perfectly well about its high content of vitamin E. However, there are still insufficient studies confirming its properties for the scalp and epithelium.

Almond oil also contains B vitamins that support the metabolism of keratin protein, thus strengthening the hair.

Hair growth also depends on the diet you follow

Finally, many people choose essential oils to improve the appearance of their hair in the face of dryness and other common scalp problems. Their use as a mask contributes to the improvement of capillary health due to their deeply moisturizing properties.

However, despite all these natural remedies, they are not enough to accelerate hair growth. This means that you also need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Remember that you are what you eat.

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