8 Interesting Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Due to its strong disinfecting properties, hydrogen peroxide can be successfully used to eliminate bacteria that accumulate on the toothbrush every day.
8 interesting uses of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide – commonly known as hydrogen peroxide – is a very popular product around the world that is an integral part of every first aid kit. Thanks to its strong antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it perfectly cleans wounds and minor skin lesions.

However, we all know perfectly well that the range of applications of hydrogen peroxide is much wider than disinfecting wounds – it is also a natural skin care product and an indispensable assistant in many chores and household cleanings.

Do you know what you can use this cheap and generally available agent for? See for yourself that it is able to solve many problems in the household.

Learn with us today 8 practical uses of hydrogen peroxide that will help you keep your skin clean, healthy throat clean, remove bacteria, etc.

Hydrogen peroxide solution with water for a sore throat

Thanks to its strong antibacterial properties, hydrogen peroxide is effective against pharyngitis. The active ingredients cleanse the irritated area by removing bacteria that cause dryness and inflammation.

Sore throat

How to prepare the solution?

  • Mix together identical parts of hydrogen peroxide and lukewarm water and gargle for a few seconds. Finally, rinse your mouth with cool water.
  • Repeat this several times a day

Homemade mouthwash

As mentioned above, hydrogen peroxide has strong antibacterial properties, so we can also use it to prepare a natural mouthwash that will effectively remove bacteria deposited on the tongue, teeth and gums.

Another great advantage of baking soda is that it additionally has whitening properties, and therefore contributes to brightening the color of the teeth and whitening the stains and discoloration formed on them.

How do I prepare the mouthwash?

  • Mix identical amounts of hydrogen peroxide and water. Use the liquid after each tooth brushing.

Cleaning the toothbrush

Do you properly care for the hygiene of your toothbrush? Unfortunately, it has to be admitted that most of us do not care about the regular decontamination of this item for our daily oral hygiene.


This is a big mistake because thousands of bacteria and microbes settle on the brush fibers every day.

To clean a toothbrush, simply immerse it in a small amount of hydrogen peroxide for a few hours. Nothing difficult, right?

  • Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into a glass, then dip your toothbrush in it and let it sit overnight.
  • The next morning, rinse the brush thoroughly with cold water before using it again.

Removal of unpleasant foot odor

The unpleasant smell of feet is the result of an intensive multiplication of bacteria – it is favored by the warm and humid environment that arises in our shoes all day long.

If foot odor is also your problem, use hydrogen peroxide! Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it will effectively inhibit the growth of microorganisms, thanks to which you will prevent the formation of an unpleasant odor.

  • Boil a liter of water, set aside to cool, and when you can easily dip your hand in the water, pour half a glass of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Then dip your feet in the solution and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel.
  • Repeat the treatment until the odor disappears.

Lightening discoloration and skin spots

Regular use of hydrogen peroxide on the skin helps to lighten skin discoloration and spots. With prolonged use, the results can be really surprising.

Skin spots

How to use

  • Soak a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide and rub into the area of ​​the body with discoloration and stains. Additionally, you can perform a gentle skin massage.
  • Use the treatment every evening before going to bed.

Lightening light and dark hair

This method was certainly used by our great-grandmothers. Hydrogen peroxide helps the hair regain its natural shine. The color doesn’t matter – it’s perfect for both blonde strands and dark strands.

Daily use of hydrogen peroxide allows you to maintain the perfect hair color and has a great effect on the health of the strands.

How to use?

  • Mix identical parts of hydrogen peroxide and water and pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the entire length of your hair. Do not expose yourself to the sun for the next few minutes.

Fight against acne

Thanks to its antibacterial and cleansing properties, hydrogen peroxide is a great ally in the fight against persistent acne.


The active ingredients contained in it remove blackheads and support the process of natural cleansing of the pores of the skin, making it look clean, beautiful and healthy.

How to use?

  • Wash your face thoroughly, soak a cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide, and then rub it into acne-affected areas.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day until satisfactory results appear.

Natural bleach for fabrics

Do you want your favorite white clothes to stay fresh for a long time? We have a foolproof solution for that – homemade bleach!

How to use?

  • For normal machine washing, add a glass of hydrogen peroxide. See for yourself that your laundry will be immaculately white!
  • To whiten stubborn yellow stains in the armpits, use hydrogen peroxide directly on the fabric.

As we can see, hydrogen peroxide has many different uses, both in the household and in cosmetics. Do you dare to try this extremely cheap and effective remedy? Find out that its action is more effective than you thought.

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