8 Things We Should Never Do With A Baby

Once we become parents, we often get lost in the flood of information about how to care for a newborn baby. Find out what should not be done when your baby arrives at home. 
Newborn baby - 8 things to avoid

The newborn appears in his mother’s arms and, simply by feeling her close, smelling her skin and hearing her voice, he finds peace. His mother undoubtedly has many beautiful sensations of motherhood, but she can also be nervous, especially if it is her first child.

Tips grandmothers, sisters, aunts and friends who were already parents, friends of course prenatal and everything you read on hundreds of websites on the internet … Most likely a new mom or dad with a newborn in her arms, does not know what to do with so much the amount of information.

If your child is already at home, rank your basic knowledge. The idea is to start living the motherhood experience in the right way. Here are eight situations that we should never lead to when a newborn arrives in our lives.

Newborn – what behaviors to avoid categorically

1. Ignoring

Do not leave your baby alone in a crib, cradle, changing table or any other room. A newborn baby cannot be left to fend for itself or ignored in any way. Crying is his way of communicating.

If your baby is crying, it is because he needs something. For example, eating, changing diapers, maybe something hurts him or he just wants to have his parent close to him.

newborn baby with a teddy bear

Give up the belief that a newborn baby “must learn to be independent.” The time will come for your child to become independent. Like any mammal, a newborn baby is dependent on its mother’s closeness and care. After 9 months in his mother’s womb, where he only heard her voice, he will cry and ask to be by his side.

2. Schedule and breastfeeding

There is probably nothing more beautiful than a baby feeding from your breast, staring at you with complete trust and love. Congratulations!

A newborn does not only need the mother’s breast when it is hungry or thirsty. It is also the only way she wants to bond, find comfort and feel her mother’s love.

3. “Let the newborn cry!”

Give up all hope of plausibility at your grandmother’s and aunts’ words that tell you that the baby should be allowed to cry in the cradle. Proponents of this theory will tell you that your baby will cry to manipulate you.

Manipulation is a concept that applies to adults, not a flawless newborn. The key question you can ask yourself is: After 9 months of waiting for such a miracle, do you want to let it cry without paying attention to it?

mom and newborn baby

A child who cries and goes unnoticed will stop crying at some point because you have communicated something to him: you don’t care what happens. Crying is his only form of expression. When a newborn cries, he wants to tell you something.

4. Leaving him alone while he sleeps

A newborn does not sleep like an adult. Every two or three hours he wakes up and looks for his mother to sleep in peace again. Babies do not need to learn to sleep, they will sleep because it is completely natural for them.

Sleep reconciliation is itself a step-by-step process as the child grows up. If you are not convinced to sleep together with your newborn baby, your bed should be next to his crib so that he can be taken care of as soon as possible. It will also help not to get up so many times at night.

5. Shaking

We have to admit: after a bad night’s sleep, a crying child whose crying is an unexplained phenomenon for us, not knowing what to do and what is happening to him is extremely irritating. A father or mother who says they have never been tempted to shake the baby to see if she stops crying is probably lying.

hand of mother and child

Sudden shock will not help your baby stop crying. It is more likely that he will be afraid and cry more, except that his fragile anatomy may be compromised. A tender and regular hug will give him the peace and quiet he needs to calm down.

6. Refusing to embrace – a newborn needs tenderness

The mother’s arms relax the newborn. If a newborn does not have regular rest in his mother’s arms, it will be difficult for him to learn to relax and live peacefully. After 3 hours of physical separation from the mother, the child’s pain reactions are activated, causing stress and ultimately memory deficits.

A newborn baby hates loneliness. She needs as much contact with her mother as possible so that she can support him, protect him and provide him with what he needs most. Limiting contact at the beginning of life causes the degeneration of the happiness hormone receptors (serotonin, endogenous opioids and oxytocin).

7. Punishment

Corporal punishments teach the child to distrust his guardian and to suppress his own needs. Moreover, it weakens their motivation by discovering the surrounding world presented in such a way. Moreover, it awakens self-confidence because their impulses don’t seem important, and then they try to get used to the pain and stress.


What is most important: when people who love a child are able to regulate emerging negative emotions, they create a more empathetic and cooperative adult in the future.

8. Distrust of your instincts

There will be a lot of information, from what specialists have proposed and checked, to experienced mothers from your environment. While your circle of women and mothers can be a great help at the beginning of a relationship with your baby, when something in your heart tells you to take a different path, trust yourself.

It is motherhood that reconnects a woman with her nature and purest, primal instinct.

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