Fat On The Belly In Women. How To Fight It? – Step To Health

Fat tissue around the abdomen is not only an aesthetic problem, but can also lead to heart disease, respiratory problems and even some types of cancer.
Belly fat in women.  How to fight it?

There is nothing more unsightly and… dangerous than belly fat. We all know perfectly well that with the passage of time this unnecessary, terrible fatty tissue is deposited. It bothers us especially when we put on our favorite jeans or tight clothes.

But  fat is not only an unattractive appearance. It has an extremely negative effect on our health.

You should know that in recent years there are more and more women suffering from cardiovascular problems and diabetes. Addictions and inadequate eating habits mean that the fat is located in the abdominal area. In the long run, it can cause serious health problems.

This is what we’re going to talk about today. We will also advise you on how to effectively fight this unnecessary fat tissue.

Belly fat – dangers

We produce less estrogen and, step by step, experience changes that are almost always accompanied by weight gain.

The most dangerous, however, is the fat around the abdomen, where – apart from the subcutaneous fat – the internal organs are fatty. This is a huge risk to our body.

Do you want to know the consequences of fat in this part of the body?

  • Heart diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes

You should also take into account that the fat around the diaphragm and lungs makes us breathless and short of breath. We tire more quickly and we may experience sleep apnea syndrome at night.

Belly fat increases your risk of some more serious diseases, such as cancer of the breast or uterus. It also interferes with our menstrual cycle. This is a really serious topic.

How to check if we have excess belly fat?

This may seem like a stupid question. After all, we know best when we start to have a belly that is too big. We are aware that our body has changed, our clothes are starting to tighten, and we feel more tired. Changed.

Woman at the doctor

However, doctors pay attention to one important element: we should know how advanced the fat on our belly is and not let it exceed the indicators considered dangerous. Here they are:

  • For women, we are talking about a waist circumference of no more than 88 centimeters.
  • For men, the limit is 102 centimeters.

How to get rid of belly fat?

Yes, we know. There comes a moment that no matter how much effort we put into it, those extra kilos on our stomach are not lost. Sometimes we even wonder if it is something inevitable and think about accepting it and stop trying.

Do not do this! Do not give up, and above all, do not lose your willpower! If you feel that you cannot do it on your own, ask your doctor or dietitian for help.

Infusion of sage leaves

There are some tips that will make things a lot easier for you. Apply them in your daily life and be optimistic.

  • Set aside the salt completely. Do not use it for food preparation.
  • Drink two liters of water a day.
  • Reach for whole grains. Buckwheat and oats must not be missing in your diet. Get rid of white flour and replace it with wholemeal flour. The bread you buy should also be wholemeal and whole grains. Barley is extremely healthy!
  • Minimize your sugar intake. Forget about sweets sold in supermarkets, ready meals and frozen meals. You will have to spend more time cooking. Eat a fresh and varied diet: salads, steamed vegetables, some salmon and other sea fish. Replace the red meat with fat-free ham and poultry.
  • Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon.
  • After lunch and dinner, drink an infusion of sage leaves. It is the best plant when it comes to metabolism. It helps us eliminate fat from the belly area. You just need to be consistent and drink this type of tea for 15 consecutive days, twice a day. Then you wait 10 days and start the treatment again.
  • Walk at a brisk pace every day for half an hour. It’s not about getting tired. You just need to maintain your daily routine.
  • Put the cow’s milk aside. The best dairy product you can consume is sugar-free Greek yogurt. It will provide you with the bacteria necessary for metabolism and strengthen your bacterial flora.
  • Eat in small amounts but 5 times a day. Don’t skip meals! If you are one of those ladies who do not eat breakfast or dinner because they are afraid of gaining weight, know that the result is quite the opposite. Your metabolism slows down and begins to accumulate reserves, i.e. fat. Not worth it!

Follow these simple tips and fight belly fat! It’s all about your health!

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