Teach Children To Dream, Not To Fear

As often as you can, wrap your children in bed at night and form a lasting bond to keep them strong and healthy as adults.
Teach the children to dream, not to fear

Teaching children to dream does not mean encouraging them to rock in the clouds and deprive them of objectivity and responsibility.

This type of education allows children to identify their dreams in order to fulfill them later and feel free to create their vision of life.

Growing up with fear creates insecurity and insecurity first, and then handcuffs children to their hearts and feet. Fear causes pain and wounds – it will never be educational.

None of us are experts in pedagogy or child psychology, but we all know that every child has their own needs and the best response to them comes from the heart: being close to them and leading them to happiness, not fear.

In this article, we want to dive a little deeper into this interesting topic: the educational value of dreams.

Children are very fragileā€¦ and this is where dreams are made – take care of them

A child’s brain is eager to learn, experience, receive, feel and dream. Their neuroplasticity is amazing and remains so until around 4-5 years of age.

Everything that happens in early childhood is undoubtedly reflected in the brain for a long time. For this reason, it is necessary at this time to build relationships, take care of health and provide children with a sense of love and security.

Are children really made of fragile material? In a way, yes. Here are some reasons:

  • The first years of a child’s life can determine their future development.
  • A child who is not looked after while crying may, for example, have a tendency to grow up with more stress.
  • A child who is not carried, cuddled, and not clinging to his parents will not develop the same number of neural connections as an infant who receives constant attention.
laughing baby

Positive reinforcement, illusion and dreams

Educating your children takes time, patience, and a lot of wishful thinking on your part. Very often parents have various doubts. Will I be a good mother? Will I be a good father to my child?

Don’t be obsessed with these questions. Sometimes a parent driven by their own instincts is most successful. This is because his intentions stem from love and that intimate attachment that no one but the child will understand.

  • Education without fear. The first thing a child who is just opening up to the world, walking, talking and interacting with the environment needs is to feel safe. Hands that will be with him and words of encouragement to discover, play and joy.
  • A child’s life must be largely a game. This is how children process reality and try to understand it. Share such moments with them.
  • Make dreams come true by using toys, books, running down the street, getting your hands dirty in mud, dirt and flowers.
  • The more experiences and conversations you have, the more dreams you convey. If you only put barriers and fill the child’s life with silence and the words “don’t upset me, not now”, “I don’t have time at this moment”, “you always come to me with nonsense” , the child will eventually grow up in a sense of fear and invalidity.

This is something you shouldn’t be doing. The best thing you can give your baby is time.

mother and her children

Understand and help your child face their fears

You have to consider it. The world of a child is very complex. Although you care about every aspect and detail as a parent, you can’t cover every aspect of his life.

  • When they go to school, they may be intimidated and develop some fears and fears. You should be vigilant.
  • Take time each day to talk to your child about how his day was.
  • Before they go to bed, you can have a quiet conversation without judgment, using only your intuition and giving them space to speak.

It doesn’t matter if they are 4 years old or 14 years old. Children always need your help. You must have time for them.

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