6 Tips For Preventing And Treating Osteoporosis

Preventing osteoporosis is a fundamental step in keeping your body in good condition. Do you pay attention to it?
Preventing osteoporosis by using these products

What we love in life is freedom. And with it is directly related to the possibility of free movement to any place. However, this can change quickly. This is why preventing osteoporosis plays such a vital role in keeping us fit.

You certainly understand how important it is in this context to provide the body with the right amount of calcium. But are you actually doing it? How is it possible to prevent osteoporosis with a proper diet?

Perhaps the answer to this question will not be as positive as most of us would expect. For this reason, in this article, we would like to share with you some practical tips that will help you prevent osteoporosis in the most natural way possible.

1. Preventing osteoporosis – time matters

How old are you? When did you first suspect that you might be dealing with this known disease in the future? Few of us really think about preventing osteoporosis, especially when we are still beautiful and relatively young.

Leg bones - X-ray

However, this is the best solution! The sooner you start paying attention to it and begin practical osteoporosis prevention, the more results you will achieve. In this context, it is necessary to start by examining the family circumstances that existed in previous generations.

2. Not so much salt!

Another step in preventing osteoporosis is to reduce the amount of salt you eat. Although there are no studies that would confirm the direct negative effect of salt on bones, it is known that excess salt contributes to the development of high blood pressure.

This, in turn, causes the bone mass to decline faster.

It is also very important to know that salt increases the amount of calcium excreted in the urine. Over time, if you don’t change your habits, your bones will start to become more and more fragile.

An alternative to helping to avoid wasting the body is taking calcium supplements or eating foods that are rich in calcium.

3. More nuts

A great alternative to prevent osteoporosis is to eat nuts and various grains regularly. We include pistachios, peanuts and almonds. However, it is worth making sure that they come from a certain natural source.


These products are a rich source of minerals that strengthen bones. They include phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and calcium, among others. The mention that they should come from a natural source is justified by the fact that many batches of nuts contain too much sodium and fat.

Eating them regularly could prove fatal to your health.

Ideally, you can eat two servings of nuts each day. You can treat them as a snack for lunch or as a healthy afternoon snack.

4. Less carbonated drinks!

According to a 2016 study, carbonated drinks significantly increase the risk of osteoporosis in women. Beverages containing caffeine and phosphoric acid have been shown to be particularly damaging to bones. 

As a result of the high presence of these drinks in the diet, many women have had a reduction in bone size in certain parts of the body compared to those who have not consumed such drinks.

5. Eat dairy products

Without a doubt, one of the foods rich in calcium is milk and dairy products. Regular consumption of dairy products is an essential strategy to help prevent osteoporosis.

Dairy products - dairy products

However, so that milk does not become commonplace for you, you can replace it with various other products, such as kefir, yoghurt or various types of cheese. Three servings of dairy products a day are enough to meet the calcium needs of the average adult.

6. Don’t deny yourself salmon

Another product that has a beneficial effect on bones is salmon. Most often, it is part of a diet that allows you to lose some weight, although many people also eat it only because of its excellent health effects.

Salmon is also a rich source of vitamin D. This, in turn, is a passport to the fact that our body is able to absorb the calcium supplied.

So even if you give your body the right amount of calcium each day, it hasn’t been said that you will avoid bone problems. For this to happen, you must also provide the body with products that are a rich source of vitamin D. It is found, among others, in tuna, mushrooms and egg yolk.

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