Raising Children – Simplicity Is The Key

Excessive expectations and too many obligations imposed on our children is an educational mistake that can affect their adult life.
Raising Children - Simplicity is the key

Raising children is a very difficult art, but almost all of us have to face it at some point in our lives. There is no one universal recipe for raising a child, so we have to rely on our own experiences or intuition.

Over the years, children’s upbringing has undergone the same changes as every other aspect of our lives. Although we now have many more means, methods of education and choice, raising children is not easy.

Upbringing and the future of a child

In times of prosperity, childhood also has its dark side. The proverb says that “the head does not hurt from excess.” The truth is, however, that excess can have a very negative impact on a child’s upbringing and even contribute to his problems in adulthood.

Stress, depression and problems with concentration are just some of the obstacles faced by younger and younger children. Together with them, these obstacles enter adulthood. Can the children themselves be blamed for this? Or maybe education is responsible for it?

The answer is not simple and requires a completely different approach. Education should be about giving as well as showing the way.

children under the tree

Think about how many kids you know can honestly say they don’t have time? No wonder if a child engages in dozens of different extracurricular activities that fill his every free moment.

If a child is overwhelmed by an excess of responsibilities and expectations from parents, the first symptoms of stress and even depression may appear. As a consequence, its proper psychological and emotional development will be disturbed. This may have a negative effect on his future life.

When “much” turns into “too much”

Raising children nowadays might seem fabulously simple. For we have opportunities at our disposal that our parents could only dream of.

The life of our children, apart from standard school duties or quite normal quarrels with their parents at a certain age, seems easy and devoid of any worries.

So why are children unhappy even when they are materially lacking? Their lives are successful and safe, so where do their problems arise from?

raising a child

We should probably blame it for the fact that raising children in times of information overload and chaos is not as simple as it might seem.

Our children, just like us, are bombarded on all sides with information that suppresses their natural need to explore the world. Instead, they only cause stress and confusion.

In today’s world, children also grow up faster, so they do not have time to enjoy the most beautiful years of their lives. This has a huge impact on their future.

Education based on excess

Summing up, we can say that the upbringing of children today is based on excess. We can distinguish several aspects that are simply too much in our lives.

  • Material overabundance : Our parents ‘and grandparents’ generation enjoyed every little thing, because most of the time they didn’t have too much of them. To be happy, they needed things as mundane as clothes and food. Toys were a kind of luxury item.
  • Today our children have everything they want, but at the same time they are not taught to respect what they have.
  • Too much information:  Raising a child who spends more time extracurricular than at home and at school is not easy at all.
  • A child subjected to this kind of pressure and bombarded with new information at every turn, is not able to remember and process it properly. As a result, learning and its upbringing may be ineffective.
  • Too much choice:  Today we can choose from so many different things that it causes us, especially children, to feel some kind of shock and confusion. The constant need to make decisions is stressful and overwhelming. Therefore, it does not facilitate a child’s upbringing, nor does it have a positive effect on their emotional development.
  • Everything is happening too fast:  The world has accelerated considerably in recent decades. Everything happens so fast that we are unable to enjoy life.
  • We don’t teach our children to enjoy every moment. We do not allow them to do so, constantly rushing them and filling every hour of their day with activities and duties.

Raising a child is not just about planning his life down to the smallest detail. Of course, it is the role of parents to provide their child with the best possible opportunities and to supervise their activities responsibly. However, he should be allowed to make his own decisions.

raising a child by parents

Upbringing – remember

You only have one childhood and it is a special time. Then you build your first relationships with other people and develop your interests. If we suffer from stress and depression at an early age, what will happen in adulthood?

Raising a child should be based on simplicity – excess is not advisable, it can even be harmful.

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