Slimming – Try This Amazing Water Treatment!

Do you want to lose weight without strenuous exercise and without starving yourself? Of course it is possible! Thanks to water therapy, you will get rid of excess toxins and lose unnecessary kilograms.
Slimming - try this amazing water treatment!

How do you deal with losing those extra pounds? Do you find losing weight difficult? Are you bored of trying another diet after your diet?

It’s not uncommon to find yourself disappointed with the results you get after the first few tries. Then, after a few weeks, you may even stop seeing any effects because your body has adapted to the changes.

Whether you are looking for new options or something simpler, you should learn about water therapy for weight loss . Have you ever heard of it? If not, or if it sounds familiar, but want to know more – read this article and we’ll explain the details.

You will find that water therapy for weight loss has many advantages and is very simple. What’s more, you don’t need to make any major changes or exceed extreme limits.

Where did the water therapy for weight loss come from?

Although water therapy is just beginning to become more famous in the west, it is already very well known in Japan. In Japan, this therapy is used to cleanse the stomach and improve the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, the Japanese found that water helps you gain more energy and is also great for weight loss.

It is traditionally recommended to drink plenty of water in the first few minutes after getting up.

In Japan, the first hours of the morning are known as the “golden hours”. It is believed that during this time when you drink water, you significantly improve the functioning of your digestive system and overall health.

What is water therapy?

While the name of this therapy may seem complicated or seem very restrictive, it is actually quite the opposite.

slimming, women are drinking water from a bottle

Water therapy for weight loss has specific rules or steps that are easy to follow. They are as follows:

  • When you wake up, drink 400 to 600 ml of natural water. It is important to do this before eating any meal. It is best if this water is warm or at room temperature on cooler mornings.
  • If you want a bit of flavor, you can add fresh lemon juice, but no sweeteners.
  • Brush your teeth and wait 45 minutes to an hour before eating breakfast. Don’t worry if you wake up really hungry. The amount of water you drink will help you feel full and you will be able to wait at least 45 minutes.
  • Eat a light and healthy breakfast that will provide you with all the nutrients you need. It’s important to start your day right with the right meal, so use high-quality, natural, organic products.
  • Avoid processed foods, meats, and fats. Some good options are smoothies or salads, although a mix of oatmeal, nuts, and milk is also good.
  • The remaining meals throughout the day should be light for the water therapy to work properly.
  • Two hours after eating, you should avoid drinking any liquid. However, you need to make sure that you drink the recommended two liters of water throughout the day.

General recommendations for water therapy for weight loss

  • You can add a pinch of salt to the water to help you stay hydrated. However, consider this carefully if salt can cause you health problems.
slimming, woman drink water
  • Of course, if your doctor said your diet should be low in sodium, avoid this trick. You will see that your body absorbs all the water it needs naturally.
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol, or any harsh agents.
  • As water therapy aims to make your body healthier, it will be at a higher risk of the damage these drinks can cause. To make sure you don’t do any harm, put these drinks aside for a while. If you want something tasty, go for green smoothies or natural fruit juices, always in small amounts.

If you have a medical condition that requires vigilance and dietary control, try this therapy after consulting your doctor.

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