Reasons To Quit Smoking And Recipes For Success

Reasons to quit smoking and recipes for success

Reasons to quit smoking ? There are many of them, but the most important thing is to ensure a better quality of life.

However, millions of people still smoke, despite the well-known facts: cigarettes cause harm – they cause the loss of human life and turn non-palaces into passive smokers.

In fact, there has been a significant increase in tobacco use by women and adolescents under 18 years of age recently. Apparently the campaigns are not successful; tobacco is still a social additive that is deeply embedded in our society.

Even though the reasons for quitting smoking are endless, we still find it difficult to get rid of the habit. If you are thinking about giving up this horrible harmful habit, we invite you to take the first step. Make the right choice by reading our article.

Reasons to quit smoking

Most smokers are unaware of how it might affect their body. They don’t realize what happens when the addiction slowly takes over.

Lung model.

Shocking data, such as the fact that a cigarette contains nearly 4,000 chemical elements, 400 of which are carcinogenic, should be more than enough reason to reduce addiction.

However, given your health, there are even more reasons to overcome this habit. Some of them are as follows:

  • After 20 minutes without smoking, blood pressure returns to normal.
  • 12 hours after quitting, your blood carbon monoxide levels return to normal. The body eliminates them completely the next day. The lungs also begin to shed tobacco residue.
  • After two weeks without smoking, lung function improves significantly and the body stops having problems gasping for air when walking or running.
  • During the first 8 months after quitting, infections, breathlessness and coughing decrease.
  • One year after quitting, the risk of developing heart problems is reduced.
  • After 5 years, the risk of certain types of cancer, such as cancer of the throat, bladder and esophagus, is reduced.
  • Within 10 years, the risk of developing lung cancer is reduced by 50%.

Is there a method today that allows you to quit smoking?

It is important to understand that there is no “one way” to quitting smoking. There are many strategies that can help smokers to give up this dangerous addiction.

In any case, smokers who want to quit have to choose a number of different ways. Pursuing a goal while looking at the pros in the future will help smokers get the results they want.

Areas to consider if you want to quit smoking

To stop smoking completely, you need to take action in two key areas: psychological and dietary. Some necessary steps in each area are:

Psychological area

Woman destroying a cigarette - reasons to quit smoking
  • Controlling the social and emotional factors that lead to smoking (being with some friends, smoking after drinking a cup of coffee or during work breaks).
  • Seeing yourself as a non-smoker and telling friends and family about it. These are cognitive strategies that can increase your willpower.
  • Learning breathing exercises and mindfulness training can help with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Finding new ways to stimulate your brain, exercise, and engage in inspirational activities like sports.


  • Avoid sweets as they can increase your appetite for tobacco.
  • Consume protein regularly. However, you should avoid consuming it in excess as your body’s metabolism slows down after you quit smoking.
  • Increase your vitamin C intake in your diet: oranges, lemons, mangoes, kiwi fruit, blueberries, grapefruits.
  • Eat breakfast as soon as you get up to prevent cravings. Staying away from coffee is essential as it is a stimulant that increases your craving for nicotine.
  • Choose teas that soothe your cravings for cigarettes. For example, cinnamon, licorice root, valerian, passion flower tea.
  • Add detoxifying soups like artichoke soup to your diet.

Useful products for quitting smoking

If you want to reap the benefits of quitting addiction, you should consider adopting the strategies, habits and products with the highest success rate.

Nicotine spray.

In addition to the psychological and diet plans mentioned above, smokers who wish to quit can benefit from a variety of products on the market to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

Quitting smoking is an act of serious willpower that focuses on the following:

  • Nicotine Gum: Chewing gum should replace tobacco as the body can absorb nicotine through the lining of the mouth. This is a very useful option.
  • Nicotine tablets : you simply put these tablets in your mouth to control your cravings to smoke as well as your withdrawal symptoms.
  • Mouth spray : The spray can reduce the urge to smoke within minutes. You only need a few sprays and can say goodbye to a harmful habit!
  • Nicotine patches : Simply stick them to your skin for a controlled flow of nicotine around your body.

If you are one of those people who have tried to quit smoking several times, but have always relapsed, we urge you not to give up.

Even if you’ve abandoned him ten times and are trying to do it the eleventh time. Tell yourself that you deserve a healthy and disease-free life.

Find the strategy that best suits you and your goals. Remember that deciding to quit smoking is the first and most important step to a much healthier life. Congratulations!

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