Hormones And Natural Ways To Regulate Them

Thanks to the content of estrogen, sage can help with problems with heavy menstruation. You can make an infusion of the leaves of the plant or add them to your dishes.
Hormones and natural ways to regulate them

For many women, and not only hormones, many problems. The imbalances that are best seen during menstrual cycles are major evidence of this.

Hormones are chemical compounds that are secreted by tissues or glands of the endocrine system and are designed to regulate the activities or modify the structural features of tissues.

In the event of problems with hormones, nature once again reaches out to us and offers five products that, by including them in the diet, help regulate their secretion, and also provide many important nutrients.

Natural remedies for hormones

1. Figs

Maybe many do not know it yet, but this delicious fruit has the ability to regulate the body’s hormonal processes, abnormal menstrual cycles and any imbalance in the uterus. Regular consumption of the fruit is especially recommended during the menopause.

You can eat figs raw, in fruit smoothies, with yoghurt or as an addition to desserts.


Eating fresh fruit is a great way to start your day healthy. One of the biggest advantages of figs is the high content of dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on the condition and functioning of the digestive system. It works especially for people suffering from constipation.

Obesity sufferers should not consume more than three fruit a day, preferably for breakfast.

2. Maca root for hormones

Lepidium meyenii  root  is a very nutritious plant, whose home country is Peru. We find in it proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, B6, minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and dietary fiber.

The maca plant’s ability to regulate the hormonal cycle can also be mentioned among the beneficial properties of the maca plant.

It soothes menstrual discomforts in women (painful menstruation, discomfort) and works great in cases of decreased libido, both in women and men. It is also used in the treatment of infertility.

How to consume the plant?

You can easily buy it in the form of tablets or powder. It is recommended to eat a small amount of the substance and increase the dose over time. All because it is very energizing.

The amount that should be taken is 3 g per day (approximately one teaspoon). However, you can consume up to 9 g per day and mix it in fruit juices.

Some advantages are noticeable very quickly, but if we want it to have an effect on hormones and their secretion, it is recommended to consume it regularly for a period of about three months.

The treatment is always carried out under the supervision of a specialist and it is with him that you should control its effects. The results of using the root will persist even after you stop consuming it.

3. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast can be consumed by everyone, and is especially recommended for young people suffering from acne caused by hormones. In addition, this ingredient has a positive effect on the health and appearance of the skin.

They are an excellent natural dietary supplement, thanks to various properties. They are a source of protein, amino acids, high in iron, B vitamins, chromium, folic acid and many other minerals.

Brewer's yeast has an effect on hormones

Their properties make them well-suited as a body cleansing and firming agent.

Due to all the properties behind them, yeast is recommended for all periods of life. Both at the stage of puberty, pregnancy, after childbirth, during lactation, convalescence, and during sports.

The powdered substance can be consumed with juices, yoghurt or in tablets, if the taste of the yeast is not your favorite. Some brands selling the product reduce the bitterness aroma and thus provide a much milder flavor.

Adding them to meals greatly facilitates the absorption of other nutrients that are found in the products.

4. Hormones and marigold

This orange-yellow flower is perfect for regulating imbalances related to hormones and the reproductive system. It is also often used in cases of skin problems.

While the most popular way to use it is calendula infusions, the plant can also be used as a cream. It can be used topically, the flower petals are edible and add an original look to dishes such as desserts, salads and side dishes.


5. Sage

This aromatic plant is one of the most popular natural remedies for hormones. Thanks to the content of estrogen, it effectively regulates the body’s hormonal balance, and has been considered an aphrodisiac since ancient times.

It is recommended in cases of abundant menstruation and during menopause, and in addition, it is effective in reducing mood related to hormonal disorders.

Although the most popular form of intake is infusions, you can also consume the plant itself. Fresh leaves can be used as a seasoning for dishes. They will give the dish an original, aromatic flavor.

Sage leaves can also be fried and served as chips, and the juice obtained from them can be mixed with other vegetable or fruit drinks.

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