What Is The Dehiscence Of The Rectus Abdominis?

What is the rectus abdominal muscle dehiscence?

A rectus abdominis dejection means that the muscles in the rectus abdominis are separating from the others. This is a change that needs to be treated as it can lead to complications later in life, such as lower back pain and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Have you recently had or had abdominal surgery? If you answered yes to this question and noticed a collapse or bulge in the abdominal area, you may be suffering from rectal abdominal muscle dehiscence .

However, you don’t need to worry as this type of condition is curable. Let’s take a closer look at this issue.

What is the rectus abdominal muscle dehiscence?

Abdominal rectus muscle dehiscence occurs when two rectus abdominals separate from each other. These are the muscles located on the outside of the abdominal wall (in other words, your six pack).

Under normal circumstances, such muscles are connected by a line through their center, a white line. This line runs from the chest to the pubic mound.

However, some traumatic conditions can cause the state of the white border to worsen, and it can weaken and stop working. This causes the muscles to separate from each other.

Rectus abdominis muscle dehiscence
Abdominal rectus muscle dehiscence occurs when the rectus abdominis separate from each other. This disorder should be treated as it can lead to complications.

In the worst cases, rectus abdominal muscle dehiscence can be seen with the naked eye. It looks like a bulge or collapse in the center of the abdomen. This is a problem that needs to be solved not only for aesthetic reasons. This is due to the fact that such a diverge may be a symptom of another significant problem.

The rectus abdominis muscle is part of the abdominal wall. This muscle helps regulate pressure inside the abdomen and compresses the bowels in the chest. If these two processes are missing, lower back pain or pelvic floor dysfunction may occur.

What causes them?

We consider pregnancy and abdominal surgery to be the two main causes of rectal abdominal muscle dehiscence. It is perfectly normal for your belly to stretch naturally during pregnancy. Anyone who is pregnant in the third trimester will have rectal abdominal dehiscence. It is a necessary process that allows a child to grow.

However, for many women, the dehiscence remains widened to eight weeks postpartum. What’s more, if left untreated, it could even last up to a year.

Two out of three women suffering from this condition will also struggle with pelvic floor dysfunction. Such problems, if left to fend for themselves, will worsen over time.

However, this problem does not only affect women. Men can also suffer from rectal abdominal muscle dehiscence. It can occur as a result of abdominal surgery, poor weight-bearing exercise techniques, or increased body weight.

How do you know if you have a rectus abdominisectomy?

The best way to diagnose this disorder is to see a doctor. However, there are several steps you can take to help you find out if you are suffering from this problem.

Woman with abdominal pain - rectus abdominal muscle dehiscence
If you suffer from rectus abdominal dislocation, you need to see a doctor. He will confirm the diagnosis by performing various tests, and then select the appropriate treatment.

How do I recognize my symptoms?

  • First, lie on your stomach and look at your stomach.
  • Do you see the dimple in the center of your belly?
  • Then place your fingers under the navel and slide them down to the pubic mound.
  • Are your fingers sagging or is your belly tissue tight?
  • Keeping the same position, try to cough up.
  • Does your stomach stay flat or do you see something sticking out of it?

If you notice a bulge on this exam, or your fingers collapse, or your stomach bulges when you cough, you may have a rectus abdominis dehiscence. This means that there is an imbalance in the pressure inside the stomach .

How can they be treated?

While there is no way to protect yourself from the onset of this disorder, it can be treated to prevent further damage. A rectal abdominal dehiscence is treated using an integrated program designed to structure, connect and strengthen the core muscles of your body.

There are several things to consider during treatment, such as your breathing, posture, body control, and pelvic floor control work.

High-intensity exercise such as aerobics and jogging is not recommended, nor is it recommended to do traditional abdominal exercises where you contract your muscles. All because they  increase pressure in the abdomen and put pressure on the muscles of the uterine floor.

Woman exercising her belly
Hypopressive crunches can be included in the treatment of rectus abdominisectomy. However, in order to do them properly, you need to ask a professional for help.

It is worth visiting a doctor who will be able to choose the appropriate therapy. After this consultation, you will be able to start your personalized treatment plan.

 Your therapist will use many exercises from a variety of disciplines. These can include hypopressure, breathing, and fundus exercises.

The idea is for you to regain your figure and avoid any complications associated with rectal abdominal muscle dehiscence. Such exercises will also help you improve your body awareness and you will be able to develop good habits related to your posture and the way you move.

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