A Cure For Alzheimer’s – A Scientist’s Invention!

However, scientists unanimously say that the treatment process would be more effective if the diagnosis had been made earlier. As a result of genetic tests, even before the first two appear.
A cure for Alzheimer's - a scientist's invention!

The growing number of elderly people in today’s society has resulted in an increase in the incidence of Alzheimer ‘s disease and other diseases popular among the elderly.

This medicine, when taken early in the disease, combined with a healthy diet and exercise, significantly improved patients’ long-term memory.

According to the global Alzheimer’s report published in 2015, the incidence of the disease will double in the next 20 years.

Therefore, scientists are struggling against time not only to provide patients with a better quality of life, but also to find a way to reverse the effects of the disease.

We know that there has been a lot of research into the causes and treatment of Alzheimer’s, but unfortunately they have not brought much to the lives of patients. For this reason, remember to be careful about new research results. However, the current research gives hope for a “little breakthrough” in this area.

At the Easton Center (which specializes in neurodegenerative diseases), a unit of the University of California, researchers have been able to slow and even reverse the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

We provide details on this below.

A new cure for Alzheimer’s?

The study has already been published in Aging magazine. According to Dale Bredesen, director of the Easton Center and director of this research, the most innovative aspect of this research is its approach to the problem.

Scientists have so far managed to develop a unique cure that holds the hope of slowing cognitive decline. A new approach in this treatment is to give each patient a combination of drugs and vitamins in conjunction with a predetermined diet and lifestyle changes.

The results patients received after nine months to two years of treatment are very optimistic. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Drugs administered

The drug given to people with Alzheimer’s is known as MEND (Metabolic Improvement of Neuro-Degeneration).

To date, only nine patients have received this drug. They show positive results and their recognition functions have improved significantly.

  • Currently, we are only talking about a small test group, so it is too early to describe the benefits of this drug and whether it is 100% safe and proven. More tests will be carried out over the next few months and treatment will be extended to new patients.
The old woman touches the man's face
  • Another fact to remember is that the patients who see the greatest improvement in health are not those diagnosed with advanced Alzheimer’s disease.
  • After the treatment, which lasted almost two years, more studies were carried out, and their results were measured on the basis of brain scans and neuropsychological tests.
  • One study found that the hippocampus, a neural structure related to memory, increased in volume.

With the change of medications, patients also changed their lifestyle to a healthier one

The research group of patients in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease received, in addition to medications, a specially prepared diet:

  • Gluten and processed foods reduced.
  • Along with medications, patients also took dietary supplements such as vitamin D3, melatonin, methyl cobalamin, fish oil and coenzyme Q10.
  • Each patient was instructed to sleep at least seven hours.
  • Hormone therapy was reintroduced in patients who had abandoned it.
  • Each patient exercised for 30 minutes four to six times a week.

New Alzheimer’s Cure: Amazing Results

Let us emphasize once again that this treatment works better for people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Foods rich in healthy fatty acids
  • Neuropsychological tests showed an improvement in long-term memory ranging from 3 to 84%.
  • Patients regained forgotten vocabulary and were able to recognize faces better.

These results are undoubtedly optimistic. However, scientists unanimously say that the treatment process would be more effective if the diagnosis had been made earlier. As a result of genetic tests, even before the first two appear.

Families of patients who participated in the study complained that it was difficult for them to stick to their diet and exercise regimen. However:

  • Several different tablets were administered: medications as well as additional dietary supplements and vitamins.
  • It is not easy for Alzheimer’s patients to rest seven hours a day and exercise daily.

For this reason, a new healing process was created, expensive and somewhat complicated. Nevertheless, the results are very satisfactory, and for the time being, scientists hope for further advances in treatment. We are waiting for more information.

Sources: MPI Cognition: New Study: Reversal of Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer’s Disease. Science Daily: Pre and post testing show reversal of memory loss from Alzheimer’s disease in 10 patients

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