A Good Mattress – What To Choose For Health And Relaxation?

Globalization and competitiveness bring with them certain benefits for customers: a wide range of products. That is why there is a wide selection of sleeping mattresses on the market.
A good mattress - which one to choose for health and relaxation?

Sometimes too much choice can be overwhelming. That is why it is worth knowing what we are looking for and the most important features of a good mattress. Because it is a good mattress that is responsible for the health of our spine, valuable rest and a good night’s sleep.

The wide range of mattresses includes latex, viscoelastic, foam or spring ones. The number of products on the market shows that they are not all of the same good quality.

In addition, you should know the preferences of our body as to the degree of hardness and thickness of the mattress. This is one of the most important factors that we should be guided by when choosing it. Therefore, in this article you will learn some key tips that will allow you to perfectly match the mattress to your needs.

Both our weight, the position in which we sleep and health problems (especially those related to the spine) are important. All of these factors must be considered when choosing your sleeping mattress.

First of all, remember that this piece of equipment should serve us for many years. It is an investment in our health. So let’s consider some important points.

How are you sleeping?

In order to choose the right mattress for you, you should analyze our habits, behavior and needs during sleep. You sleep on your side, on your back, or on your stomach – it all matters. The position in which you usually sleep will tell you what type of mattress will be necessary for your rest.

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  • On your back or on your stomach: it’s best to choose a firm mattress that will keep your back straight. In the case of soft mattresses, we risk that the back will collapse and be held in an unnatural position. This is conducive to possible illnesses and often causes pain.
  • Sideways: If you love to sleep on your side, a mattress that is too hard can have a negative impact on the quality of your rest. You will need a more flexible mattress that adapts to the shape of your body. This way, you will not wrap your shoulders while sleeping and you will assume a natural, more comfortable position.

Adequate, good mattress and body weight

Our body weight is directly related to the choice of mattress hardness. It is a very individual matter. Therefore, our weight is not insignificant. Find out what to remember and what type of mattress your body weight indicates.

  • Weight over 80 kg: if you are in this category, remember that soft mattresses can “sink” into them, which adversely affects our position and the quality of rest. It causes an unnatural position of our figure and leads to health problems. A good mattress should be properly firm. Also, don’t forget to include your sleeping position. Usually this is H3 hardness .
  • People under 80 kg : petite people will need a more flexible mattress to help distribute our weight. We should not overload certain parts of the body. Typically this is H2 hardness

More or less lively sleep

Each of us has our own preferences and predispositions. We also differ in the intensity of sleep activity. We mean the so-called “Drilling” and moving from side to side. Sounds familiar? This factor also influences the type of mattress that should accompany you.

  • Lively sleep: If you constantly change positions, get up, can’t find your place and are constantly on the move – you should choose a firmer mattress. This will make it easier to turn over.
  • Restful sleep: in this case, if you stay in one position all night long, you need a soft and flexible mattress. It will allow you to properly distribute the body weight, and will not lead to bedsores. Therefore, the position you take at night will not cause any pain or discomfort.

Warm or cold – a good mattress and the preferred temperature

Depending on whether you are a person who loves to sleep in the warm, or prefer cool rooms – the choice of mattress will change. The climate in which we live also influences the choice. In this context, attention should be paid to air humidity.

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  • If you feel excess heat at night: Too warm pajamas, inappropriate temperature all make you feel excessively warm at night? Therefore, the best choice will be a spring mattress, because it is better ventilated and does not retain heat.
  • You are tired of the cold: if you are one of those people who always feel cold at night and cover yourself with many layers of bedding – choose a foam, latex or viscoelastic mattress. They keep the warmth better.

At the end

What to look for when you are allergic to dust or have asthma? In such cases, it will be best to get a foam mattress, or one made of latex. They should include covers that are washable.

Now that you know what type of mattress suits you, you can save your spine from common diseases. Remember, however, that the mattress plays a special role in the case of people suffering from back problems, e.g. scoliosis or discopathy. Remember that a well-chosen mattress affects the quality of sleep, rest and health.

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