A Healthy Breakfast Without Dairy Products, Flour Or Sugar

Thanks to the properties of natural ingredients, you can get a completely healthy breakfast, which is an excellent source of energy. It provides you with everything you need to face the hardships of the day ahead.
A healthy breakfast without dairy, flour or sugar

For all those who want a healthy breakfast that will provide them with energy, strength and provide their body with the right dose of valuable nutrients, today we have a really interesting and healthy proposal.

The breakfast we present does not contain a gram of dairy products, flour or sugar.

Get to know and try the breakfast presented by us, which will help you start your day with a large injection of energy and well-being.

The importance and benefits of a healthy and energizing breakfast

The vast majority of people who want to start their day with an adequate dose of energy from the very morning usually direct their steps towards the coffee machine.

However, even if coffee is able to quickly accelerate the functioning of your metabolic processes, its effects do not last long. The drink also does not provide the right amounts of nutrients needed to face the hardships of the day.

Coffee - a drink for breakfast

If you choose a healthy, energizing breakfast, instead of coffee, as described in this article, you will also be able to take advantage of several of its beneficial properties for your health, including:

  • Feeling full all morning. Thanks to this, you will not be prone to nibbling with any other food products.
  • Conversely, the possibility of having several different snacks throughout the day without risking a lack of essential nutrients at the same time. This is mainly because the breakfast we offer is a rather complete and well-balanced meal.
  • Stimulating your metabolism in a healthy way. Thanks to this, you can burn excess calories much easier and faster.
  • Improving the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive system in general.

Basic ingredients of the described breakfast

Below we present you a little more about the valuable properties of this nutritious and healthy breakfast.


Nuts are rich in protein, fiber, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. They provide you with a lot of energy. Plus, they keep you full for hours.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are high in natural sugars and fiber. Among them, prunes, raisins and dates deserve special attention. They also help in proper defecation and suppress the appetite for traditional sweets.

Dried fruit for breakfast


Seeds are food products with invaluable nutritional properties. Despite their small weight, they contain a large amount of valuable nutrients.

Chia seeds for breakfast

So they are a great option that you can add to literally any type of recipe, just like in this case, which is a healthy and nutritious breakfast that provides a good dose of energy for the whole day.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a normal food product included in numerous healthy recipes and diets that are currently fashionable, recommended and, above all, extremely healthy.

It is a healthy fat that can be eaten in moderate amounts. Although it may seem impossible to you, it will help you burn more calories and get rid of excess abdominal fat.

By eating coconut oil, you can enjoy its taste and creamy texture. And you can avoid other fats that are harmful to your health and make you prone to gaining weight.

In addition, coconut oil has the advantage of allowing the food to harden while it is being frozen. This allows you to create all kinds of sweets and cookies based on natural and healthy ingredients.


Pure, bitter cocoa is a food product with valuable medicinal properties. You can eat them regularly instead of chocolate, which usually has a lot of sugar in it.

Cocoa for breakfast

Cocoa gives you a boost of energy, improves the condition of your muscles and gives you a sense of satisfaction.

Moreover, it is a powerful antioxidant. It is effective in combating all kinds of damage to your body’s tissues caused by free radicals, both internally and externally.


In addition, it will help you improve the taste of the breakfast we are describing. This makes it easier to eat it with a sense of pleasure.

However, we suggest using only honey from an organic apiary.

A healthy breakfast that provides a good boost of energy in the morning

Necessary ingredients to prepare this breakfast

To prepare a tasty, healthy and energy-boosting breakfast in the morning, in a portion sufficient for several days, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 cups of chopped nuts (these can be, for example, almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts)
  • 1 cup of dried fruit (raisins, plums, dates)
  • 1 cup of shelled seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, chia chia)
  • 1/2 cup of extra virgin coconut oil
  • Half a cup of powdered bitter cocoa
  • 1/2 cup of honey

The procedure for its preparation

  • First, mix the nuts, chopped dried fruit and seeds well together in a glass bowl.
  • In another bowl, combine honey and coconut oil. If both ingredients are thick or even solidified, you must first heat them slightly in a double-bottomed pot (so as not to burn them) until you get a liquid consistency.
  • Then add the cocoa powder to the resulting mixture and mix again.
  • Mix the contents of both dishes thoroughly.
  • When everything is well mixed, you need to spread the thus obtained product on a tray. Then put it in the freezer to freeze it.
  • After about an hour, you will get a kind of fruit and nut tablet which you can then cut into smaller cubes.
  • Always keep these cubes in the freezer until you have eaten the last one. This is because coconut oil melts above 23 ÂșC.

The main photo comes from the wikiHow.com site, and has been posted with the consent of its author.

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