Almagato – Learn About The Consequences Of Using It

Almagato is an over-the-counter antacid used to treat heartburn and related discomfort. However, its consumption should be occasional and moderate. Why should you not take it excessively?
Almagato - learn about the consequences of using it

The abuse of Almagato has become popular with patients. It is an over-the-counter drug that is readily available in pharmacies. Many people see it as an excellent solution to heartburn and recurring indigestion problems. However, it should not be a medicine that we reach for without thinking.

What are the consequences of over-consumption of Almagato ? Why should you avoid self-medication? While it rarely causes side effects, taking it in excessive amounts can cause side effects. In this article we will try to write about them in detail.

What is almagato?

Almagato is an effective antacid that neutralizes stomach acids in a short time. Therefore, it is recommended for relieving the symptoms of heartburn or acidosis. However, as we have already mentioned, overuse of this drug is a common problem.

Almagato is an over-the-counter medication that helps to neutralize excessive acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

What does almagato consist of and how to take it?

Its formula is based on aluminum and magnesium salts and is administered orally. It is indicated only for adults or for people 12 years of age and older. It is administered in chewable tablets or as an oral suspension, up to a maximum of 8 grams per day and for a maximum of 14 consecutive days.

It must not be used in the presence of other drugs for at least 2 or 3 hours and also 1 hour after a meal. It is not a prescription drug, so anyone can buy it at a local pharmacy without any problems. For this reason, it is very important to know exactly who it is dedicated to.

It is also important to know the potential consequences that can occur in the event of misuse or misuse of almagato.

Overdosing may be intentional or accidental, but always refers to using more of the drug than recommended by the manufacturer. Too much almagate consumption results in a serious increase in the concentration of aluminum and magnesium salts in our body.

Usually, errors lie in administering it in doses higher than recommended or as a result of long-term use for more than 14 days in a row. It is usually well tolerated when taken in the recommended therapeutic doses. Mild diarrhea may occasionally occur and resolves immediately after drug discontinuation.

What are the benefits of Almagate?

Due to its low sodium content, Almagato is recommended for patients with arterial hypertension. It also does not contain calcium in its composition, so it does not cause constipation. In general, this is a common feature of nearly all antacids based on magnesium and aluminum carbonate salts.

What can happen if we abuse it?

In this case, we are talking about taking almagat excessively or over a long period of time. In elderly patients, excessive consumption of almagate may exacerbate certain existing bone pathologies, such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia. It is related to the reduction of phosphorus and calcium ions.

Likewise, in patients with diarrhea, malabsorption disorders or on a phosphorus-poor diet, or in very frail patients, this drug may cause anorexia, muscle weakness and osteomalacia, among others.

With prolonged use, aluminum salts tend to form insoluble phosphate in the intestine, which causes them to be poorly absorbed and excreted in the faeces.

The use of Almagato is also not recommended in patients with renal insufficiency, whether mild, moderate or severe . So it is a drug to be taken with caution, despite the fact that it can be purchased without a prescription. Moreover, high doses are not recommended as they can cause the accumulation of aluminum and magnesium ions.

Almagato helps with stomach pains
Almagato works well as an antacid. However, it should only be used in specific cases and for a short time. Too much can be harmful.

Other antacids

Antacids modify the absorption of many medications, so in general they should be given without using other medications concomitantly. They reduce the absorption of the following drugs:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Drugs for gastric and duodenal ulcers
  • Drugs for heart failure
  • Chlorpromazine.
  • Lansoprazole.
  • Prednisone.

When almagato and quinidine are taken at the same time, excretion of the urine decreases due to the alkalisation of the urine, which may increase its toxicity.

Aluminum antacids should also not be administered to patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Some research suggests that aluminum may contribute to the disease as it will accumulate in the neurofibrils of the brain tissue.

In short, if you notice that your symptoms persist or worsen after 14 days of treatment, it’s important to see your doctor.

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