Aloe – Discover Its Properties For Your Stomach

Thanks to its valuable properties, aloe vera gel helps us to regulate the pH level in the stomach. It also reduces hyperacidity, which is very useful especially if we suffer from gastric ulcers or reflux.
Aloe - discover its properties for your stomach

Hearing: aloe, very often the first thing that comes to our mind is skin burns, wounds or other skin disorders. But did you know that this plant also has a whole host of other properties that can contribute to the health of our stomach and intestines?

In today’s article, we’ll tell you how to use aloe vera to take care of our digestive system.

Aloe – why and how to use it?

Aloe is a medicinal plant that should not be missing in any home. Not only if you have a stomach problem, but also if you cut, injure or burn yourself. The good news is that aloe vera is very hardy and hardly needs any maintenance. All he needs is a good dose of sunlight every day.

We will use ripe, outer leaves, cut with a knife. The plant grows from the inside out.

In addition to being high in water, the fleshy leaves of aloe vera are also rich in vitamins (A, B and C), enzymes and essential amino acids. This is why the plant works so well in the event of burns.

Stomach problems? Aloe will heal you!

Thanks to the content of B vitamins, aloe gel is perfect for treating stomach ailments and problems with the digestive system. This ingredient improves the overall functioning of our stomach and intestines, and also:

Aloe vera cut into pieces
  • It perfectly heals wounds caused by gastric ulcers or duodenal ulcers.
  • It reduces inflammation of the duodenum and stomach.
  • It helps rebuild the gastric mucosa.
  • Supports the treatment of diseases such as intestinal and stomach infections.
  • It cleanses the body, facilitating the elimination of accumulated toxins.
  • It stimulates digestion.
  • It activates the work of the liver and gall bladder.
  • Supports the absorption of nutrients from the consumed foods.
  • It reduces the acidity in the stomach.
  • It helps us get rid of the constipation problem.
  • It brings relief in hemorrhoids.
  • It cleans the blood.
  • Supports the treatment of some forms of jaundice A and B.
  • It improves the flexibility and function of liver cells.
  • It stimulates the cells of the pancreas.
  • It helps to secrete insulin.
  • Eliminates bacteria that accumulate in the intestines.
  • It helps prevent liver disease.
  • It reduces problems affecting the liver, such as cirrhosis.
  • Removes free radicals.
  • It facilitates the drainage of bile.
  • It helps to restore the natural pH of the stomach.
  • It brings relief to patients suffering from hiatal hernia and reflux.
  • It reduces the symptoms of Irritable Gut Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, and Leaky Gut Syndrome.
  • Supports the treatment of ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel conditions.
  • It helps to prevent the development of stomach tumors.

How to get aloe vera gel?

The practice of extracting the inside of aloe vera leaves for healing purposes has its roots in ancient times. Some studies show that this was done in ancient Egypt. Cleopatra, for example, used aloe vera to care for skin and nails.

Many people use this plant for skin wounds and burns.

Although nowadays we have a lot of medicines and dietary supplements at our disposal – even capsules with aloe vera extract – it is always best to reach for this remedy in its natural form. That is why it is worth having it in your home.

The fleshy leaves of aloe vera can be cut every 6 months. However, remember that it is not recommended to cut more than 3 leaves at a time.

Aloe juice – recipes

To take advantage of the benefits of aloe vera for the benefit of your stomach, you need to consume it. For this purpose, it is worth preparing a medicinal drink from the plant, combining it with other ingredients. You can do it in the comfort of your home.

Aloe juice

Aloe and lemon juice

The citrus aftertaste of this drink makes it an excellent option for hot days.


  • 1 aloe leaf
  • One tablespoon of white vinegar (10 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 lemon juice

A method of preparing

  • Use a well-sharpened knife to cut lengthwise the aloe leaf and carefully remove the gel from inside it.
  • Put the gel so obtained in a food processor and then add freshly squeezed lemon juice, water and vinegar.
  • Mix everything thoroughly, making sure that the drink has a homogeneous consistency. Then pour it into a glass and it’s ready – you can drink! If you feel the need to, you can add ice cubes and a lemon slice to the drink for garnish. It is recommended to drink one glass a day.

Recipe for aloe vera juice with honey

The antiseptic properties of honey combine in this drink with aloe vera. It is perfect, especially for intestinal infections.


  • 200 g of liquid honey
  • 1 aloe leaf
  • 1 scoop of strong alcohol, such as vodka

A method of preparing

  • Carefully cut the aloe leaf and extract the gel from it. Then place the food processor in the bowl with the honey.
  • Blend the ingredients until they blend together thoroughly and then add the alcohol.
  • Take three tablespoons daily: on an empty stomach, before lunch, and before dinner.
  • Perform the treatment for 10 days in a row. Then rest for 10 days and use the remedy again for 10 days.

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