Aneurysms – How To Detect Them And How To Prevent Them? – Step To Health

Most of the aneurysms affect women over 50. Learn how to spot aneurysms and how to live to help prevent them.
Aneurysms - how to detect them and how to prevent them?

By the medical definition, aneurysms are pathological changes in the structure of the arteries caused by the fragility of blood vessel walls. This condition mostly affects women over 50.

Learn how to detect aneurysms and how to prevent them!

Aneurysms – what should you know about them?

So far, scientists have not been able to determine the exact cause of aneurysms. Some people develop it as a consequence of birth defects, while others develop it over the years.

The places where aneurysms most often form are:

  • aorta (i.e. the main artery coming out of the heart)
  • popliteal artery (located just below the knee)
  • brain
  • mesenteric artery (located in the intestines)
  • spleen artery – this case is characteristic of pregnant women

The symptoms of aneurysms depend on the area where they develop. If aneurysms appear not too deep under the skin, they are accompanied by pain, swelling, and tenderness to touch. However, when aneurysms develop deeper in the body or in the brain, they are usually not accompanied by any characteristic symptoms.

Brain aneurysms have the ability to grow without rupturing. They put pressure on the surrounding nerves. This in turn causes headaches, double vision, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of orientation, neck stiffness, speech disorders, light sensitivity, vomiting, seizures and even loss of consciousness.

Diagram showing brain aneurysms developing

Nearly 5% of the population develops aneurysms in their brain. People with a family history of similar cases are at increased risk. People suffering from problems with blood circulation are also particularly vulnerable.

How to detect aneurysms?

In this section, we are specifically referring to a brain aneurysm – the most serious and dangerous of all types of aneurysms.

If it is detected in time, that is, before the artery ruptures, the patient’s death can be avoided. Often the condition is associated with unhealthy daily habits and other diseases.

Immediate action can save the life of a person whose brain is developing an aneurysm. The estimated time for a rescue operation is approximately half an hour. According to statistics, only 40% of aneurysms are detected on time, in the remaining cases the patient usually dies.

Woman with headache

When should I see a doctor?

Many people who develop a brain aneurysm do not experience any symptoms. Irregularities are detected only during routine examinations.

So it’s no surprise that we don’t know how to deal with an attack. If the aneurysm is large and close to rupture, a severe headache develops that cannot be relieved by any pain medication.

Remember that this is a serious problem that should not be taken lightly. There may have been a partial rupture of the aneurysm that causes bleeding into the space between the brain and the thin layer of tissue that protects the central nervous system.

The headache then becomes so severe that it makes it impossible to even open your eyes. Additionally, there are:

  • nausea and dizziness
  • vomiting
  • loss of feeling on one side of the body
  • double or blurred vision
  • lack of strength and loss of consciousness

In the event of an aneurysm rupture, only half of the patients survive. A large proportion of them have to deal with various neurological complications. If the headache is unbearable and there is no apparent reason (impact, fall, accident, etc.), call an ambulance immediately or call a doctor.

Aneurysms – how to prevent them?

Remember that “prevention is better than cure”. To avoid aneurysms:

Carry out regular checkups

Perform thorough checkups every year depending on your age and state of health. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have aneurysms in your family. This can be critical to your health.

Severe headache

In this case, it is recommended to carry out various tests to exclude any kind of anomaly. Computed tomography (also called a CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging, examination of the cerebrospinal fluid , and brain angiography are the best methods of detecting brain aneurysms today.

To lead a healthy lifestyle

Among the healthy habits that help prevent aneurysms are:

  • no smoking
  • limited consumption of alcohol, drugs and all kinds of medications
  • following a healthy and balanced diet
  • regular physical activity (at least 2-3 times a week)
  • caring for the right weight
  • controlling cholesterol levels and ensuring proper blood pressure

Reduce your stress

If you reduce your stress and nerves, and face your fears, you will certainly not create the conditions for the development of an aneurysm. Learn to control your nerves and calm down naturally. Avoid what makes you feel bad.

Solve your problems on a regular basis and talk to someone you trust about them. Do whatever you can to prevent trouble from building up or turning into something much more serious. Make sure you have a moment for yourself! Every now and then, take a relaxing and restorative vacation.

Also, do not forget that healthy and restorative sleep is essential for the proper functioning of the body. It should last from 6 to 8 hours a day.

Additionally, take time every day to do things you enjoy. Read, walk, play with children or grandchildren, grow plants, play chess, take yoga or Pilates, swim, learn to play an instrument… Meditation is also a good option for reducing stress and preventing aneurysms.

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