Anxiety – 10 Symptoms That Indicate The Problem

While anxiety and anxiety are mental disorders, we must not forget that our emotions are closely related to our physical health. Therefore – the natural sequence of things – the body reacts to stress and emotions that arise in us.
Anxiety - 10 symptoms that indicate a problem

Anxiety is a mental disorder. It is the body’s involuntary response to internal and external stimuli such as negative thoughts and certain specific situations in our daily life.

For anxiety it consists of a series of physical symptoms in connection with what is happening in our mind. They often appear after a dangerous or stressful situation occurs, but our hormonal changes and fluctuations in the chemical balance in the body can also have an impact.

The anxiety state affects each person differently. Much depends on its origin and the ability to deal with negative emotions. Although in most cases the symptoms of anxiety are temporary, sometimes the problem recurs frequently and becomes chronic.

Most disturbing is the fact that many people simply ignore the fact that they are having anxiety. As a result, they do not take appropriate steps to remedy it and mitigate the negative effect it causes in the body.

That’s why it’s so important to understand and take a closer look at the symptoms that accompany anxiety. No matter how common or insignificant they may seem, they deserve our attention.

Later in this article, we’d like to share with you the ten most common symptoms that accompany anxiety and anxiety. Pay attention to them and make the necessary changes before the problem becomes more serious.

1. Anxiety and chest pain

Chest pain is a common symptom of anxiety. Patients suffering from anxiety complain about him. In most cases, its source is muscle tension.

Chest pain and anxiety
  • Although sometimes the chest pain is so bad that it can be mistaken for a heart attack, it usually only lasts for a while and is not a sign of such serious health problems.

2. A feeling of tightness in the throat and difficulty breathing

This phenomenon, also known as a hysterical ball or throat ball, is caused by the contraction of the muscles of the throat and esophagus in the face of stress and anxiety.

  • If you feel that something is stuck in your throat and that you are unable to swallow food, your body sends you a very clear signal that your emotional balance has been seriously disturbed.

3. Excessive sweating

Sweating is our body’s natural reaction. Although it often causes us discomfort, it is necessary to regulate body temperature and maintain it at an appropriate level.

  • However, during episodes of anxiety or anxiety, the work of our sweat glands is disturbed. As a consequence, we sweat excessively.
Sweat stains under the arms

4. Anxiety and pain in the arms and neck

The muscle tension that arises when we experience anxiety directly affects sensitive areas of the body, such as the shoulders and neck. Sometimes it is also accompanied by tingling in the face, and even its partial paralysis. This phenomenon – although temporary – is very unpleasant.

5. Problems with the functioning of the digestive system

As you probably know, the digestive system is directly related to our emotional state. This is why when we experience anxiety, it can disrupt its work and proper functioning.

  • Indigestion, excessive production of digestive juices and constipation are just some of the disorders that affect people under the influence of anxiety and anxiety.

6. Skin changes

The stages of anxiety and anxiety can negatively affect our body also aesthetically. This is because they cause clear and usually sudden skin changes.

  • Pimples on the skin, spots and excessive dryness of the skin are just a few of the symptoms that affect people exposed to emotional imbalance.
  • They can generally be seen on the face. However, sometimes they also appear on the arms, back, and other parts of the body.

However, when the anxiety disappears, the skin returns to normal and regains its normal appearance.

7. Anxiety and the tingling sensation in the limbs

Weakness and a strong tingling sensation in the extremities is a response to the struggle that the body fights when it comes to enduring situations that cause stress and anxiety.

Tingling feeling in the leg and restlessness
  • This is due to the build-up of carbon dioxide in our limbs. This process is the result of a decrease in oxygenation of the tissues of our body.

8. Insomnia

If you have difficulty falling asleep or, on the contrary, you feel sleepy almost all the time, it almost always means that you have anxiety or are struggling with serious problems.

The worst part of it is that sleep disturbances over time can trigger other physical and mental responses that significantly reduce our quality of life.

9. Eye pain

When we experience anxiety, our body’s hydration decreases. One reason for this is because fluids are diverted to other tissues and areas of the body that our body gives priority to.

A severely red eye
  • This reduces the natural lubrication of the eyes, which causes redness, irritation, dryness, discomfort and pain.

10. Anxiety and migraines

  • Tension and circulation problems that arise when we experience anxiety are very often responsible for the appearance of migraines.

Do you recognize the symptoms described in this article? If so, it may be worth paying a little more attention and taking the steps necessary to control emotional disorders as soon as possible.

Try to use relaxation techniques and cultivate healthy eating habits to help you overcome anxiety.

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