Are Your Limbs Numb? Find Out Why This Is Happening And How To Cure It:

It is normal to feel numb, as long as it involves being in the same position for a long time. Otherwise, it could be a symptom of the disease, especially when tingling becomes a chronic problem. Find out more about it.
Numbness in the extremities - what could it be a symptom of?

The frequent numbness of the limbs should alert us. Usually, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and patients suffering from joint diseases complain about “ants”. They wake up at night and their limbs are unresponsive to any stimuli as they go numb during sleep.

When the numbness of the limbs is not the result of a lack of free access of blood to the legs and arms caused by inadequate and prolonged body position, it is worth making an appointment with a doctor. Frequent tingling sensations may indicate a medical condition.

Numbness of the limbs and the condition of the joints

Without going into medical complexities, a joint is where the ends of bones (two or more) meet, and there is cartilage between them. Thanks to such connections, our body is able to move our limbs freely: we can walk, bend our legs at the knees, make hand and arm movements, bend down and make back bends.

Between the ends of the bones there is flexible tissue called cartilage. It prevents the friction that could occur between the ends of the bones during movements. In short, it works like a natural cushioning system.

Why is there a tingling sensation around the joints?

Joints are parts of the skeletal system that are prone to injuries, damage and various diseases. Very often, one of the first symptoms of a problem is numbness in the extremities, more specifically the hands, feet, arms and legs.

Tingling in the elbow

In most cases, the tingling disappears as quickly and unexpectedly as it appeared. This means that our body dealt with the infection on its own and the health of the joints returned to normal.

However, when limb numbness becomes a chronic problem and begins to negatively affect your quality of daily life, you should see your doctor immediately. Frequent tingling may be a symptom of a developing disease.

Diseases with a symptom of numbness in the limbs

As mentioned above, frequent tingling sensations in the extremities can be a symptom of the disease. The most common cases include:

Rheumatoid arthritis

  • It is inflammation that can affect various joints of both the upper and lower extremities. Generally, it appears most frequently in the joints of the fingers, as well as in the elbow and knee joints.
  • The disease usually develops between the ages of 30 and 60 and is much more common in women than in men. No differences in the course of the disease with respect to human races or climatic zones have been established.
  • A person who develops rheumatoid arthritis has difficulty moving their limbs. Joint pain may be severe after the initial tingling episodes. The general symptoms of the disease are pain and swelling in the joints, their characteristic morning stiffness and muscle aches.
    X-ray image of numbness in the limbs
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by the accumulation of calcium crystals in the joints. It is at this initial stage that frequent numbness of the limbs occurs. It is accompanied by weakness and excessive wear of the cartilage, and pain increases.
  • This disease mainly affects the joints of the hands, knees and fingers, although it is possible that it may also affect other joints. It is directly related to osteoarthritis and disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • This ailment causes discomfort, pain and restricts freedom of movement. However, it does not permanently damage the joints.

Bone and bone marrow inflammation

One of the first symptoms of this disease is numbness in the limbs. As the infection progresses, there is severe pain that continues to increase. This disease should be treated under the supervision of a specialist, using appropriate antibiotics. The disease affects both children and adults.

Systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease. This means that the immune system is unable to distinguish harmful from healthy substances, which in turn leads to chronic inflammation. Consequently, the body attacks its own healthy tissues. The disease can develop in different parts of the body.
  • One of the initial symptoms of lupus is numbness and pain in the arms and legs, and seizures.
  • While no effective cure for the disease has yet been developed, there are many drugs that can control the disease.

Limb numbness – how can we care for the joints to avoid it?

The first fiddle in the prevention of skeletal diseases is undoubtedly a healthy and balanced diet. There is a large group of foods that naturally improve the health of bones and joints, which is why they are effective in preventing joint pain and tingling in the limbs.

For the sake of joint health, enrich your daily diet with the following products.

Lower limb bones
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – an essential component of any healthy diet that naturally helps fight inflammation in the body and slows down the wear and tear of articular cartilage. The sources of healthy fatty acids include sea fish, flax seeds, avocados and olive oil. You can also take them as a dietary supplement in the form of capsules.
  • Celery – a green vegetable with very strong diuretic properties and a huge amount of antioxidants. Celery salad or juices are great for detoxifying the body and stimulating the production of new bone cells.
  • Nettle – a medicinal plant with strong cleansing properties of the body of toxins and other harmful substances residing in the tissues. What’s more, the nutrients contained in the nettle leaves are great for relieving the symptoms of arthritis . You can add fresh leaves to salads or make infusions of dried nettle. A fantastic natural remedy for joint pain is also a mixture based on nettle leaves drenched in alcohol, which should be rubbed into areas where there is tingling and inflammation.
  • Ginger – aromatic root with powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It can be consumed as an infusion or as an addition to salads, sauces and dishes.

Remember that a healthy and balanced diet helps to avoid many different diseases. However, it is not always a guarantee of full health. After noticing any unusual symptoms, we should immediately consult a doctor. Only specialized tests can determine the cause of the tingling sensation in the limbs.

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