Atypical Mole – Correct Treatment Methods

To correctly identify an atypical mole, you need to analyze its color, edges, asymmetry and diameter. However, only a doctor can decide if a mole is a health problem.
Atypical mole - correct treatment methods

Any unusual mole should be carefully examined. When we notice changes in the appearance of a birthmark that until now have appeared normal, we should not ignore it. Each mole can turn into melanoma or skin cancer.

A mole is a cluster of discolored cells. In most cases, it is a mild product that poses no threat to health. An average of adolescents has 15 to 20 moles all over their body. In adults, however, this number ranges from 20 to 40.

Most cases of skin cancer occur in people over 40 years of age. Therefore, if an unusual mole appears on your skin , do not postpone the visit to a specialist doctor indefinitely. It could be a matter of life or death.

How to identify an atypical mole?

In order to correctly identify an atypical mole and distinguish it from normal skin formation, you need to pay attention to four basic aspects.

An unusual skin lesion

Here they are:

  • Asymmetry. The atypical mole is asymmetrical. One half of it is different from the other. This may indicate a malignant lesion.
  • Irregular edges. Normal moles are circular with a regular radius. However, if this is not the case and the edges are irregular, you should take a closer look at the change.
  • Color. Pay particular attention to moles that are very dark or reddish in color.
  • Diameter. An unusual mole is one whose diameter exceeds 6 mm. However, there are smaller birthmarks that can turn out to be malignant.

In addition to the above factors, it is also worth observing changes in the mole. We recommend a monthly consultation with a doctor who will determine if the changes are progressing. It is also very important to check the back as melanomas often appear in the lower part of the back.

Other signs of unusual moles

Although the above-mentioned factors are the most characteristic in the diagnosis of skin lesions, they are not the only signs of this. In some cases, symptoms may vary.

Therefore, it is also worth paying attention to the following signs :

  • Spreading. When you have a mole or birthmark that is starting to spread, you should show it to your doctor.
  • Redness and inflammation. When the skin around the mole turns red or becomes inflamed, be sure to see a specialist.
  • Discomfort. A normal mole causes no sensation. If you start to feel itchy, burning or sore, there may be a problem.
  • Surface changes. If you notice any bleeding, discharge or peeling you should be alert. Also, pay attention to the appearance of small bumps or pimples inside the same mole.

If any of the above applies to you, your next step should be to see a dermatologist. Only one skilled in the art can determine whether a lesion is malignant or not. Therefore, report to him as soon as possible.

Moles and melanomas

Melanoma is a malignant tumor. In their initial stage, they resemble moles. This type of cancer can appear at any age. When detected in time, it is completely curable. However, it has a tendency to relapse.

Neoplastic changes on the skin

People with the greatest risk of developing melanoma are fair-skinned people. Risk factors are also excessive sunbathing or visiting a tanning salon without proper skin protection.

In addition, 10% of cases are due to genetic factors. People whose family members have had melanoma are at increased risk of developing the disease.


The first and most important thing your dermatologist will do is to thoroughly examine your skin. He will check your moles and their surroundings. The specialist will also check other parts of your body for any signs of melanoma.

The dermatologist examines an unusual mole on the back

If your doctor notices an unusual skin lesion, he or she will likely order a biopsy. If possible, the entire mole will be removed during the biopsy. After that, a careful laboratory analysis of the tissue will be performed. If the lesion had any cancer cells, they will then be detected.

The biopsy results should also determine how deep the lesion is. The degree or level will be given in millimeters. These data are most important in making treatment decisions and determining prognosis.

Some types of melanoma spread quickly. In this case, it will also be necessary to perform a biopsy of the adjacent lymph nodes. An X-ray of the head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and bones may also be ordered.

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