Avocados In 4 Healthy Ways

Thanks to its neutral flavor, avocados are an excellent ingredient in both sweet and sour dishes, as well as a good source of healthy fats.
Avocados in 4 healthy ways

The avocado  is gorgeous! He often talks about its advantages on our site. This green fruit is a natural treasury of vitamins and, above all, monounsaturated fatty acids, which have a very good effect on the heart – thanks to them,  avocados  contribute to reducing the level of bad cholesterol.

What’s more, experts often refer to it as “green butter,” meaning avocados are a rich source of good fats. Consumed in the right amounts, it can be the perfect supplement to help you lose weight.

Do you know what time of the day it is best to eat this fruit? For breakfast and dinner. We are happy to present you four ways, thanks to which you will prepare really interesting and tasty meals with this fruit in the lead role.

1. Avocado and banana smoothie

Avocado and banana smoothie


  • 1 small avocado
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of oat milk
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

Preparation method

  • This smoothie is a good dose of energy for a good start to the day. A natural cocktail rich in vitamins and minerals will make you feel full until lunchtime. It is very easy to prepare and takes about 5 minutes.
  • At the very beginning, you need to prepare a little fruit. Peel it and slice it to make a paste with a fork. Then peel the banana and put them together in a blender.
  • Add a glass of oat milk to add a unique flavor to the drink. Mix everything well to obtain a homogeneous mass without any lumps. Add a teaspoon of honey and enjoy your healthy smoothie.

2. Avocados wrapped in bacon


  • Half an avocado
  • Half a lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 3 slices of bacon

A method of preparing

  • This avocado recipe is really delicious, healthy and nutritious – a great solution for a quick dinner that works well with vegetable soup, for example. It only takes a few minutes to make this dish and it will surely become one of your favorites.
  • To keep a small amount of calories, use half the fruit. This way, in combination with bacon, you will get the right amount of protein for the day without worrying about gaining weight.
  • Start by cutting half of the avocado into three parts. Then dip them in a bowl of lemon juice.
  • Sprinkle with pepper, it will give the fruit a more intense flavor.
  • Finally, wrap each part of the avocado with a strip of bacon. Do you feel the taste already? Something amazing!

3. Avocado and strawberry salad

Sandwich with avocado and strawberry


  • 2 slices of rye bread
  • Half an avocado
  • 6 strawberries

A method of preparing

  • This is a great way to make a quick, simple and tasty breakfast, thanks to which you will start the day with the right dose of energy. To prepare them, start by making toasts that will make your sandwich crispy.
  • Use a fork to make a paste out of it and then spread it over the slices of bread.
  • Wash the strawberries and cut them into halves.
  • Put the strawberries on a paste with avocado and bread, then taste and evaluate this delicious combination. We are convinced that you will surely like it.

4. Avocado with brown rice

Avocado with brown rice

Ingredients for two servings

  • 1 avocado
  • ½ cup of brown rice
  • 2 glasses of water
  • Half a lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons of soy sauce
  • 1 small can of tuna
  • A pinch of white pepper

A method of preparing

  • This recipe, supplemented with soup, is best suited for a light dinner. It consists of two servings – both contain half an avocado. This is an oriental-style recipe with truly oriental fragrances that will stimulate your senses. Use it for a special occasion.
  • At the very beginning, you need to cook the rice in two glasses of water. While it is boiling, you can prepare the avocado. Cut them into pieces and then pour lemon juice over them.
  • When the rice is ready, place it evenly in two bowls or two plates. Add a little soy sauce to it to strengthen its poppy seeds. Then strain the tuna, add it to the rice and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Add the avocado pieces to both dishes. Sprinkle a little white pepper. Thus, you will get an original and healthy dish that you will love as an idea for a light dinner.

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