Avocados – Learn The Tricks To Keep Them As Long As Possible

By using these few tricks, you’ll be able to store avocados for up to six months!
Avocados - learn some tricks to keep them as long as possible

Avocados are one of the most unique fruits. It can be used in many different recipes – be it smoothies, salads or guacamole.

Interestingly,  avocados  have numerous culinary and cosmetic uses – they are a component of many natural hair and face masks. If you want to keep this fruit as long as possible, be sure to read this article and learn some tricks.

You’ve probably noticed that when left for a long time, avocados turn brown and lose their fresh appearance. You also surely know how important it is to make full use of food products and avoid wasting food, so you will surely be interested in ways to extend their shelf life.

How To Store A Whole Avocado?

As soon as you bring the fruit home, it’s best to wrap it in newspaper or store it in a paper bag.

Of course, you can skip this step if you use them right away, but if you want to extend their life, follow our tips. Then the fruit will be fit for consumption even 7 days later, because that is roughly how much it takes for them to ripen.

Avocados in the newspaper

On the other hand – if you want the avocado to ripen faster – put an apple or banana in the same paper bag and leave the fruit at room temperature.

When you want the avocado to keep its green color, avoid leaving it in sunlight and do not put the fruit in the refrigerator. Slowing down the ripening process of the fruit may thus lead to its accelerated rotting.

  • Check the condition of the fruit daily.
  • You can check the maturity of the fruit by lightly pressing on its skin. If it is ripe, the skin will deform slightly when touched.
  • If the fruit remains green, you can keep it at room temperature for up to a week.

Storage of the cut fruit

If you’ve already cut an avocado, you can still extend its shelf life with a simple homemade trick. Using a brush or a brush, coat both the sliced ​​parts of the fruit with lemon or lime juice.

This will slow down the oxidation process. If you don’t have lemon or lime on hand, you can also use oranges, vinegar, or tomato juice.

Lubricated halves of joints with each other, thanks to which you will limit the contact of the flesh with air. Wrap the prepared fruit with cling film, put it in a resealable plastic bag or vacuum bag, or even in a clean container. Place the package in the refrigerator where you can keep it for several days.

How to keep ripe fruit whole?

Place the whole ripe avocado in a plastic bag and let it out. To slow down putrefactive processes, place the bag in the refrigerator. If, over time, you notice that the fruit has become too soft and churns easily, it is a sign that it should not be eaten.

Storing the fruit without stones

Seedless fruit goes bad faster, so that’s when you can use any citrus juice or olive oil. Oil itself does not completely limit oxidation, but it absorbs air perfectly.

Avocado seedless
  • Wrap the fruit with cling film or put it in a plastic bag.
  • Especially olive oil covered with foil will provide long-term protection of the flesh from deterioration.
  • Place the fruit in the refrigerator.

If you can – save the stone!

By leaving the stone inside the avocado half that you haven’t used, you will make it last longer and slow down the oxidation process. Similarly – as in the case when you no longer have the stone – wrap the fruit in foil and put it in the refrigerator. Check the condition of the skin and flesh from time to time. Stored in this way, the fruit (with the stone) will fully mature in about 1-2 days.

Freezing the fruit

To freeze avocados, cut them in half with a sharp knife along the long edge. Separate the halves, remove the stone and peel the fruit. You can scoop the flesh out of the shell with a spoon or with your fingers (if the fruit is soft and ripe enough).


Then you can prepare a purée that is best suited for freezing and long-term storage. Otherwise, if we wanted to freeze the fruit whole, it would lose its texture, flavor and properties.

  • Add a little lemon juice to the prepared puree.
  • You can use a blender, thanks to which the ingredients combine well.
  • Transfer the puree to a clean container and place it in the freezer.

It is a way to store fruit for up to six months! You can use avocado puree as needed to prepare smoothies, guacamole or many other recipes.

It is worth avoiding wasting food at all costs, and simple home remedies will help you with this. You don’t need a lot of time or money to enjoy an avocado for months.

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