Backache – Watch Out For Emotions!

Correct body posture is a very important factor. Overloading the spine causes back pain and can affect stomach discomfort.
Backache - watch out for emotions!

As you probably already know, factors such as a weakened skeleton or damaged joints along with inadequate body posture repeatedly contribute to  backache. But be careful! Our emotions are of equal importance!

Emotions affect not only our emotional state, but also our body. Stress and constant worry cause overstrain and  back pain . October 16 is the annual World Spine Day. It is also then that discussion panels and conferences are organized to share the latest discoveries in this field.

In today’s article, we will present you the most important information and tips.

The weight of emotions and back pain

Often, after a long period of constant stress caused by the situation at work or at home, we notice various ailments, such as, for example, irritable bowel syndrome or back pain.

You are probably wondering how this is possible and how something that generally exists in our mind can affect the spine … Well, maybe. The word “spine” consists of the word “pillar” – which carries the weight of our body – and the word “vertebrae”, which represent a very complex arrangement of bones.

Negative emotions affect the basic activities of our body: hormones, neurotransmitters, heart rhythm. .. All this is reflected in our everyday life. Stress and irritability turn into pressure on the muscles, which in turn causes problems with the nerves and tendons.

The same is true for the spine. Emotional pain can cause back pain, especially in the neck and loins. Below you can read how it works in practice.

Sore cervical vertebrae

Cervical vertebrae and back pain
  • Circles from C1 to C7  – the first one is the one that supports the weight of our head and guarantees balance.
  • To avoid health problems, you should always keep your movements smooth. Muscle stretch is also necessary.
  • The cervical vertebrae suffer most from stress and worry. Pains appear along with problems at home or at work.
  • Try to get up in the morning with a positive outlook on life, distance from problems and a smile on your face.

Or you can make circular, harmonic movements with your head – very gently – and arms. They will certainly alleviate the symptoms.

Pains in the chest area

The so-called thoracic section, which consists of the Th1 to Th12 vertebrae, is a very large section of the spine. It is closely related to our emotions. How? We explain:

  • A depressed or sad person usually looks down, slouching.
  • Due to our emotional state, we limit physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Everything is pregnant, our breathing becomes slower and so does blood circulation. Headaches, abdominal pain and chest tightness appear.

Back pain is associated with incorrect body posture and overloading the spine. You must be active: walking, running, etc. And managing negative emotions properly! You have to deal with them!

Back pain in the lumbar region

The lumbar zone of the spine is vertebrae from L1 to L5, it tends to be inflamed, which can cause back pain, sciatica

Back pain in the lumbar region
  • This part of our body is sensitive to inappropriate posture, emotions such as anxiety and depression.
  • Most often it affects people who care more about others than themselves; in people who spend a lot of time standing, are constantly on the run and do not have time for themselves …

They feel as if their backs are split in half. You can fight it. First and foremost, relax and prioritize. It is also worth visiting a specialist who will help us take care of our emotional sphere.

There are many exercises and stretches that will ease back pain and make our lives better.

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