Baking Soda For Healthy Hair

Baking soda for healthy hair

Baking soda has unlimited uses. There are many recipes with a similar theme: baking soda for healthy hair, beautiful skin, and the like. It is a key ingredient in home cosmetics for skin and hair.

Another advantage of this ingredient is that it is inexpensive and easy to find. In the article below, you will learn about 7 ways to use baking soda to enjoy healthy hair.

baking soda

It is a white crystalline solid with basic properties. It is cheap and easy to find, so it is an excellent choice for natural and home cosmetics.

Many people also use baking soda in the kitchen. If you learn how to use baking soda correctly, you will be able to enjoy its many benefits. Otherwise, its use may have negative consequences.

Baking soda for healthy hair – 7 ways to use it

1. A great ingredient to add to your shampoo

If your hair gets dirty quickly or produces too much sebum at the roots – which makes it very oily – you can use baking soda to get rid of this problem. Due to its exfoliating and alkaline properties that kill fat, baking soda is the perfect ingredient to add to your shampoo.

baking soda for healthy hair


  • All you need to do is mix a little bit of shampoo that you are going to use with the same amount of baking soda.
  • Then wash your hair the same way you always do. This will keep your hair clean and slightly wavy.

2. A remedy for oily hair

If your hair is very oily from roots to tips, it may be a good idea to use baking soda to regulate sebum production.


  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (18 g)


  • In a spray bottle, mix both ingredients together.
  • 10 minutes before washing your hair, shake the bottle well and spray the solution onto damp hair.
  • Massage your scalp with your fingers so that the solution absorbs well, then wash your hair as you normally do.

3. Conditioner booster

supports the work of the conditioner


  • 1 part of the conditioner
  • 1 part baking soda


  • You can prepare as much mixture as you want – just follow the recommended ratio.
  • Use the mixture after washing your hair and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Anti-dandruff agent

Many people struggle with dandruff. You can try all types of shampoos and other products – so far there is no universal solution to this problem. Dandruff may take a few days to disappear and then suddenly reappear. It is an inflammatory disease that can have multiple factors and is therefore difficult to treat.

However , it is important to distinguish between true dandruff and dry scalp. Try any of the first three methods listed to start fighting dandruff.

5. Washing hair without using shampoo

Many people wash their hair without using shampoo. Instead, they mix baking soda and vinegar to wash and smooth the hair. Each of us has a different type of hair. Therefore, you should try this natural hair wash method and see how your hair reacts to it.

baking soda

6. A product for removing residues of styling products

7. Baking soda for healthy hair from the inside out

To have healthy hair, you need to work on it from the inside too, because your appearance is a reflection of your health. If your body is full of toxins, your hair will feel weak or fall out.

soda for healthy hair

To get rid of toxins from your body, you can try this mixture:


  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar (30 ml)
  • a pinch of baking soda


  • Mix the vinegar and baking soda in a glass of water and drink the mixture half an hour before your main meal.

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