Bedroom – 6 Tips To Make It Even Friendlier

Unbelievable as it may seem, keeping your bedroom tidy and clean is not only good for your physical health by removing harmful microorganisms. This turns out to have a great impact on our mental and emotional health as well.
Bedroom - 6 tips to make it even friendlier

The bedroom is a place where a lot of harmful elements accumulate that can affect our emotional and physical health.

It is very important to focus a little closer on this topic, because the condition of our bedroom has a direct impact on the quality of our sleep and rest. This, in turn, translates into the extent to which we regenerate energy, thanks to which we can start each day with strength and motivation.

Remember that during sleep our body secretes antioxidants and hormones necessary for the proper functioning of the entire body.

If you want your bedroom to turn into a temple of peace and harmony, full of positive vibrations and conducive to relaxation, be sure to carefully study and implement the following tips.

1. A friendly bedroom? Avoid electronic devices

Electronic devices such as a TV set, tablet, computer or mobile phone significantly deteriorate the quality of our sleep. What’s more, they lower our immune mechanisms.

A woman is sleeping with a tablet next to her head

In the bedroom, move the phone, tablet, radio away from you and turn off the TV. Disconnect from everything for a better rest.

2. Keep the bedroom ventilated

In order for the bedroom to be welcoming and healthy, it is necessary to change the air in it regularly. It should be fresh every day, thanks to which you will remove residues and pollutants present in the air.

Bedroom ventilation
  • Develop a healthy habit of airing your bedroom every day. It is best to do this right after you wake up for at least 10 minutes.
  • Fresh air not only has a refreshing effect, but also helps to prevent the formation of mold and the multiplication of harmful microorganisms.

3. Change bed linen every week

Bed linen should be changed at least once a week.

Thanks to this, you will avoid the accumulation of bacteria, mites and other harmful microorganisms that harm our health.

Fresh linen is air dried
  • Whenever possible, wash all bedding – pillowcases, pillows, duvets and bedspreads in hot water with an antibacterial detergent. This will help eliminate any residual bacteria even more effectively.

4. Take care of plant decorations

There are a lot of plants that, in addition to being a beautiful decoration, also give us a feeling of harmony and relaxation.

While plants are generally great at purifying air, not all of them should be placed in your bedroom, indoors, and especially where you relax.

Stylish bedroom

Here are some good suggestions:

  • Lavender: Besides the fact that it smells great, lavender helps us fall into a deep, restorative sleep and helps to relax.
  • Jasmine: This exotic plant is the perfect way to add a beautiful look to your bedroom. In addition, it calms us down and helps us control anxiety.
  • Bamboo palm: The bamboo palm acts as a natural relaxing agent. What’s more, it is the perfect way to clean the air and decorate the space in our bedroom.
  • Guinea Sansevieria: This is an ideal plant for interior decoration. Its great advantage is that it perfectly tolerates rapid climate changes, what is more, it also tolerates the lack of light and watering. This plant cleans the air in the bedroom by absorbing carbon dioxide. What’s more – as feng shui says – it works like a magnet for good luck.
  • Chrysanthemums: Thanks to their perfect colors, chrysanthemums are used to purify the air and give rooms an impression of harmony and happiness.
  • Orchids: Known as flowers of youth, they have the ability to eliminate xylene from the environment, an addictive and harmful to health, which is found in small electronic devices.
  • Aloe Vera: It is a plant that is perfect for a bedroom. Perfectly emits oxygen and stimulates the fall into regenerating, deep sleep. Aloe vera is an ideal plant for people who do not spend much time at home because it does not need a lot of water or light. It is much more durable than other plants.

5. Get rid of rubbish in the bedroom

If you are one of those people who eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in bed while watching TV, remove plates and leftovers from the room as soon as possible.

Not only do they cause unpleasant odors and unsightly appearance, they can also attract unwanted insects.

6. Put everything in its place

There are many ways to take care of your emotional health. One of them is keeping the bedroom and the whole house in perfect order.

Order in the room
  • Try to put everything back in its place as soon as you get up, make the bed, collect your shoes and put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket.
  • Make sure that all the objects that surround you are functional and help you achieve a state of peace, harmony and joy.
  • If you can, complete the decorations with paintings or photos, which will additionally create a pleasant atmosphere in the bedroom. Let them remind you of the people, places and moments that are important to you.

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