Beer And Its Benefits You Didn’t Know About!

Moderate consumption of beer helps fight cardiovascular disease, prevents osteoporosis, and reduces cataracts, among many other health benefits. It is also applicable for aesthetic purposes.
Beer and its benefits you didn't know about!

Beer is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. It is perfect for free time with friends after work, but also with a loved one, when we spend a romantic evening at the seaside, watching the sunset.

But did you know that beer has many benefits when consumed in moderation? You will learn about some of them later in the article. It turns out that beer is perfect for aesthetic treatments!

Beer and its health and beauty benefits

It protects the cardiovascular system

Moderate consumption of beer is anti-inflammatory, significantly increases levels of “good” cholesterol, and helps fight certain heart diseases. So, one glass of beer a day is good for our heart.

It improves bone strength

Some studies have found that drinking beer (and other low-alcohol drinks) has a positive effect on bone health. This is because beer contains silicon, a mineral that helps increase bone density and prevent bone loss.

What’s more, beer offers us natural phytoestrogens that prevent osteoporosis and alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Pouring beer into a bowl

Beer protects against neurodegenerative diseases

Research has shown that people who drink beer in moderation are less likely to develop conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. Again, silicon is responsible for this, which has the ability to reduce toxic metals that accumulate in the body and are the cause of many degenerative diseases. Additionally, it improves memory and concentration.

It inhibits the growth of tumors

Among the main ingredients of beer we can find xanthohumol, a polyphenol present in hops. It is an antioxidant that compounds inhibit the growth and prevent the appearance of cancer cells as if it were a kind of preventative treatment against certain types of cancer.

Beer strengthens the immune system

Beer has the ability to strengthen the human immune system, thus preventing infectious diseases such as colds or herpes. In more serious cases, it alleviates symptoms, shortening the duration of the disease. An old home-made way in Germany is to drink warm beer when you have a cold, it helps to strengthen your immunity and improves blood circulation.

Beer has an anti-inflammatory effect

The difference between beer and other alcoholic beverages is that hops are the main ingredient. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which contributes to the prevention of aging-related diseases.

Beer mugs

It improves stomach health

If you suffer from stomach problems, beer may be the best home remedy for stomach problems. Moderate consumption of this drink (similar to wine and cider) increases the amount of stomach acid and thus contributes to faster digestion, reducing the risk of infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pyroli, which causes stomach ulcers.

Beer prevents constipation

According to studies, dietary fiber consumption prevents constipation and helps lower bad cholesterol. With the help of beer, which is prepared from barley, we provide our body with most of the daily requirement for soluble fiber. This makes barley beer, right after water, the best nutritional drink.

Beer in a mug

It is a strong diuretic

As soon as you start drinking beer, you quickly feel the need to use the toilet. This is because it contains more than 90% water, is low in sodium (eliminates retained fluid in the body and protects against kidney problems), and is also high in potassium.

It reduces the risk of cataracts

Beer is good for eye health in every aspect, but especially for people with a family history of cataracts. Drinking a glass of beer a day is also good for people with diabetes as it keeps their eyesight in good condition and protects against glaucoma. It is better to drink dark beer than light beer.

It prevents anemia

Especially during the menopause, when the female body suffers from a lack of nutrients. Beer flavonoids are powerful antioxidants, they increase cellular activity and improve iron levels.

Beer provides a lot of energy

Beer contains a lot of B vitamins, thanks to which it provides us with more energy to work, study or perform other activities. Of course, only when we drink one glass, not more. This drink strengthens the nervous system and regenerates cells.

It improves the appearance of the skin

One of the curiosities is that New York has a “Beer SPA”, where you can enjoy all the advantages of this drink. Customers can, among others, take advantage of a dark beer bath, this fashion has also reached Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic, where you can use beer face masks. This technique owes its success to the vitamins contained in beer, which improve the health and pigmentation of the facial skin, make the skin more elastic, younger and smoother.

Provides beautiful hair

One of the movie stars who promotes the use of beer in hair care is Catherine Zeta Jones. She revealed in an interview that this natural treatment gives the hair softness and shine, unfortunately there is a disadvantage in the form of an unpleasant smell that persists on the hair (however, it can be eliminated with the appropriate perfume).

All of these benefits for your hair stem from the fact that beer is rich in B vitamins and protein.

Relaxes the legs

When we come home tired from work, there is nothing better than dipping your feet in water with mineral salts. However, if you use cold beer instead of water, the bubbles will have a very relaxing effect on your tired legs. However, this treatment has two downsides. First, your legs will be sticky. Second, the beer will no longer be drinkable. However, you will certainly feel relaxed.

Is the fact that beer has so many uses new to you? Be sure to try them out!

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