Better Digestion – 10 Needed And Healthy Products

In our diet, we should not only pay attention to the quality of the food served, but also to the frequency of meals. Slow chewing or proper preparation of dishes – will help in the proper intake of food in our body. 
Better digestion - 10 healthy and needed foods

For better digestion, we should choose good quality food and follow a proper eating routine. However, healthy food is key to the well-being and condition of the human body. Find out more about it and find out about products that will improve your digestion .

Food determines the health of our digestive system. If we have a diet high in sugar, low-quality fats, and refined flours, the chances of stomach problems increase significantly.

To avoid these problems, this article lists 10 healthy foods that will support the body’s digestive processes. As you know, many people suffer from indigestion. The main reasons for this may be too much food and drink. However, the problem is not so clear-cut.

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 3.3 million people (in the US) are hospitalized each year for diseases of the digestive system. In Poland, this problem is also becoming more and more important.

Digestive Problems – What Causes Them? How Can I Get Better Digestion?

Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, taking certain medications, excessive fatigue, and constant stress can also cause severe indigestion.

Better digestion – how to avoid problems with the digestive process

It will be very important to pay attention to your meal routine and frequency. Eating and chewing slowly, as well as seasoning the food properly, will greatly facilitate digestion.

Be aware when eating. It seemingly seems to us that we are naturally doing it the right way. Well, not always. Eating too quickly, under stress, or even when performing other activities – has a negative effect on digestion and the digestive system. This causes discomfort and stomach problems.

Just imagine the life that many of us dream of: a warm summer evening somewhere in the Tuscan hills or in the picturesque Masuria, people closest to us and excellent dishes, a shared table and a pleasant conversation. This is how we want to live and this is how we should celebrate our meals.

Dissatisfaction or anxiety causes your digestive enzymes to slow down. Pay attention to your schedule. Eating low-quality foods too late can cause heaviness, stomach bloating, burning, and even reflux.

Leave 4 hours between meals during the day and dinner. Also, never eat your meals right before bedtime. We need 2 hours of rest from eating before going to bed.

Are you getting hungry before going to bed? Choose light products based on protein: fat-free yogurt, a glass of non-fat milk or a small portion of lean cottage cheese.

Better Digestion – 10 Great Products

1. Sauerkraut

Probiotic foods, such as sauerkraut, can repopulate the gut flora, helping you digest better. A few teaspoons, small portions before a meal, stimulate the production of stomach acids involved in digestion.

Better digestion - sauerkraut

It contains bacteria that are beneficial to the gut to balance the gut flora and help keep digestion at an appropriate level.

2. Apple cider vinegar for better digestion

It is not without reason that we indicate this natural healthy product that can significantly affect our well-being and health. All because it helps the body make HCl (hydrochloric acid), which is a mild acid in the stomach that helps you digest fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

In addition, it helps with weight loss and also relieves reflux and irritable bowel syndrome due to all the beneficial probiotics and amino acids available.

3. Mango

Mango has been shown to help keep the good bacteria in our body. According to a recent study by Oklahoma State University, adding one mango a day to our diet may improve gut health. At the same time, it can help reduce body fat and control blood sugar levels.

But apart from that, these fruits have a fantastic nutritional profile. According to some researchers, mangoes contain many nutrients and other bioactive compounds that can provide a variety of health benefits.

4. Kefir and better digestion

Kefir is another probiotic that can guarantee us better digestion. In fact, it helps to boost our immune system.

Kefir - the process of creation

We all know this product as a specific type of yogurt – more liquid and sour. It is irreplaceable when it comes to strengthening the intestinal condition. This is due to active strains of bacteria (contains at least 10 of them). Other preparations usually show only three such strains.

5. Olive oil for health and digestion

The use of this health product has been recommended since ancient times. It is especially recommended to take olive oil to support the digestive system. It protects against acid reflux which causes acidification.

In addition, it helps to slowly and gradually release the stomach contents into the duodenum, increasing the feeling of fullness.

6. Artichokes for better digestion

Artichoke is a plant from the Asteraceae family. These vegetables, very specific in taste (resembling asparagus) – contain cynarin, an acidic substance discovered by Italians, which stimulates the production of bile.

This soothes the liver and prevents gallstones from forming in the body. It is a natural diuretic and soothes hangover symptoms. Artichokes are high in fiber. They are low-fat and  low  – calorie – 100 g of the product contains only 47 kcal.

7. Apple

Proverbs around the world point out that one apple a day keeps us away from doctors and hospitals. These fruits contain dietary fiber and this is why they are beneficial in fighting constipation and controlling cholesterol.

Apples for better digestion

Apples with the peel help maintain a healthy digestive tract. It is worth reaching for them every day. Especially in Poland, where we have an abundance of them.

8. Yogurt for digestion

The probiotic content in yogurt makes it one of the most digestible foods for us. Probiotics are live microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast that are present in food. They strengthen the immune system and help maintain the health of the intestinal flora.

They are useful for maintaining good transport of chyme in the intestines. You can include yoghurts in your daily routine, such as breakfast with fresh fruit. Reach for natural and good quality yoghurts.

9. Pineapple

According to the US National Library of Health, pineapple contains bromelain. It is an enzyme that helps break down hard-to-digest proteins. Pineapple is also used to fight bowel disease, gas and ulcers.


Pineapples are native to South America and have many health benefits for people all over the world. They also show slimming properties.

10. Ginger and digestive processes

It was reportedly first discovered in Melanesia, in the western part of Oceania. This aromatic root from the ginger family is an excellent digestive stimulant.

It motivates the body to release enzymes from the pancreas, making swallowing lighter and acid-free. Another of its main properties is its antibacterial effect.

Finally, let’s not forget about the individual characteristics of each of us. We are distinguished not only by external features, but also by specific intolerances and needs.

So it’s better to slowly implement some of these products in your daily life to find the ones that serve you best. Watch your body’s reactions carefully. Choose what is best for you.

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