Blood Pressure? Here’s A Homemade Ginger And Garlic Remedy!

Are you complaining of excessive blood pressure or high cholesterol? Try our wonderful, natural homemade remedy based on ginger and garlic presented here!
Blood pressure?  Here's a homemade ginger and garlic remedy!

High blood pressure and cholesterol are two common problems with the cardiovascular system. They are becoming more and more common due to the tendency to lead an increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

If both of these diseases begin to develop in parallel, the result will be a gradually increasing overload of the heart muscle. And the hard work of the heart translates into higher blood pressure.

As a result of the increased flow through the blood vessels narrowed additionally with cholesterol deposits in them. And the circle is complete. This is a very serious health problem that cannot be taken lightly.

The most disturbing thing about all of this, however, is that both of these health problems develop discreetly and very slowly. They are usually detected and properly diagnosed only when they have reached a fairly advanced stage.

As a result, the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes is significantly increased. Of course, they belong to a group of problems that pose a significant threat to the health and even life of a sick person.

How can you combat too high blood pressure at home?

Fortunately, you can prepare some pretty effective home remedies from the comfort of your home. Use all natural ingredients for this. Their combined properties are able to effectively and quickly combat both of the above-mentioned health problems.

Hypertension and complications

Of course, these are not drugs that can cure both high blood pressure and cholesterol with 100% effectiveness. However, they slow down the progression of the disease and reduce its symptoms.

In our today’s article, we are going to present you an excellent recipe for a homemade remedy to combat high blood pressure and excessively high cholesterol.

Its base is ginger and garlic. Two ingredients known for their excellent healing properties. And widely used to cure all kinds of diseases. So they will be able to really improve your health.

We invite you to read, we hope that you will get a lot of valuable information today!

Ginger and garlic as ingredients in a home-made blood pressure and cholesterol lowering agent

This natural remedy based on ginger and garlic is an effective way of lowering blood pressure and getting rid of excessively high levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) known in ancient times.

Of course, the ancients knew nothing about blood pressure or cholesterol, and only discovered the beneficial effects on the health of these two components. But the discoveries of the past work well even today.

Both of these ingredients have anti-inflammatory, cleansing, and vasodilating properties, in addition to their many other benefits, of course. Thus, once absorbed from the digestive system, they help the body gain control over many processes, including cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

This remedy is not a miracle cure or anything similar. However, it is a great help for those who have been diagnosed with the problems described above. It will not cure them, but it will alleviate the symptoms.

The benefits offered by ginger

The main benefits of ginger to fight high blood pressure and high cholesterol are related to the active ingredient known as gingerol. It is she who is responsible for the spicy taste of ginger.

It also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent that is ideal for relieving cardiovascular problems and is beneficial for blood pressure and cholesterol.


The detoxifying effect helps to cleanse the blood of residues from metabolic processes, and thus reduces the undesirable phenomenon of fat deposits on the walls of the arteries.

Ginger also has mild diuretic properties, which helps eliminate fluid trapped in your body tissues. In addition, it allows you to regulate the level of mineral salts in the body and thus controls blood pressure.

The advantages offered by garlic

Garlic was considered one of the best food products with healing properties in ancient times. Today it is still very good at keeping your cardiovascular system healthy.

Its advantages are related to the high concentration of a sulphide compound called allicin.


This substance, which is also found in high levels in onions, has powerful anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and vasodilating properties. All these factors have a positive effect on blood pressure, reducing its value and at the same time preventing the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Moreover, the detoxifying effect of garlic stimulates the blood filtration process. This reduces the accumulation of toxins and other harmful substances from metabolism that are transported through the blood.

In addition, garlic contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels.

How to make this homemade ginger and garlic remedy?

To further enhance the healing properties of ginger and garlic, the homemade remedy we describe uses the benefits of apple cider vinegar, lemon and honey.

All these ingredients combine to create a truly effective product that is able to prevent an endless number of diseases. You just need to take it regularly.

Blood pressure remedy

In short, the agent described below not only improves the health of the cardiovascular system by regulating cholesterol levels and blood pressure, but also strengthens the immune system and improves the health of your lungs.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger (5 ml)
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • ½ cup of lemon juice (125 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 g)

The method of preparation of the described agent

  • Pour lemon juice into a glass jar, then add grated ginger and a crushed garlic clove to it.
  • Mix everything together in a wooden dish, then add honey and apple cider vinegar.
  • Cover the dish tightly and set aside for 24 hours.
  • Remember to shake its contents regularly so that all the ingredients mix well.
  • After 24 hours, take one teaspoon on an empty stomach and repeat this before each meal of the day.
  • Store the product itself in the refrigerator and consume it every day.

Remember that its effects are not immediate, but within a few days you will see a marked improvement in your health. You can also measure your blood pressure regularly to find out about the effectiveness of the remedy described by us.

In order to achieve positive results from such treatment, you also need to further improve your eating habits. And also regularly engage in physical exercise or other types of physical activity.

The combination of all these factors is the most effective way to deal with these health problems as well as many other ailments.

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