Bottled Water – Why Not Drink It?

Bottled water is not the best alternative, although the industry wants to see it that way.
Bottled water - why better not to drink it?

Water – the life –  giving fluid without which the existence of organisms would be impossible. In addition to quenching thirst and refreshing function, it plays an extremely important role in our body. It also takes part in the course of the whole mass of reactions.

Considering how important water is for the body of each of us, many companies have decided to take advantage of it. The need to satisfy its daily dose has turned into a lucrative business. Unfortunately, it has been misleading consumers for many years.

Under various advertising slogans, they argue that the water sold in bottles is healthier than the one that flows in the tap.

Bottled water – we reveal its secret

Bottled water is not the best alternative, although the industry wants to see it that way. It is true that today many companies are implementing bottle reuse and recycling projects, but in most cases they end up in trash and pollute the environment.

Plastic bottles pollute the environment

As previously mentioned, the industry today has made every effort to convince the consumer that plastic bottles are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. However, the truth is that the bottles  are made of materials that decompose over many years.

Bottled water

Currently, there are several forms of recycling plastic bottles to reduce their negative impact on the environment,  but this is just a drop in the ocean of needs. This applies more to bottles that end up in the ordinary garbage can.

Plus, biodegradable bottles don’t break down that easily and the only difference is that they contain less plastic.

Bottled water is tap water only for a higher price!

A label with a beautiful view of the mountains and mountain stream may appear on the plastic bottle you buy at the store. But that doesn’t mean it’s 100% healthy, clean, and of better quality. In fact, only a small percentage of bottled water comes from natural sources or underground reservoirs. 

About 25% of the content of plastic bottles is nothing but ordinary tap water. Of course, some manufacturing companies filter it and irradiate it with ultraviolet light waves before selling it for a price 100 times more than it really is worth.

Numerous studies have shown that phthalates, mold, microbes, benzene, trihalomethanes and even arsenic can be found in bottled water samples. Therefore, experts consider it safer to drink water flowing straight from the tap, of course, only if we are sure that the municipal water supply is subjecting it to an appropriate treatment process.

You can find toxins in bottled waters

The plastic used to make bottles is not only dangerous to our planet, but also to you. Currently, the companies involved in their production do not use bisphenol for their production, which is less toxic.

Bottled water

However, that doesn’t solve the whole problem. This is because  there are other chemicals in the plastic that can easily be filtered into water.  Especially when the bottles with the contents are exposed to high temperature for a long time.

Some of these ingredients, although it has not been proven yet, may have anti-estrogenic properties.

Tap water complements organic food

In recent years, we have seen a significant recovery in the sector of healthy eating and organic food.

After realizing that we are what we eat and it is better to put pesticide-free and chemical-free products on the plate also for cooking these items, you can successfully use water that flows straight through the tap.

Several healthy alternatives to bottled water

Reusable bottles are a healthier option, which will not pose such a threat to our environment, and will certainly turn out to be more economical. They are available in any size and shape.

There are also those on the market that you can successfully take with you to work or on a trip with children.

Several methods have also been devised to increase safety and calmly drink tap water. One of them is a glass jar with a biodegradable filter installed. In addition, it purifies the water, thus optimizing its quality.

Another way is to put a special filter on the end of the tap. It is easy to install. It will also improve the purity of the water we consume on a daily basis.

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