Brightening The Skin With Home Methods

Skin lightening is a procedure that is enjoying more and more attention. Tired skin, full of unsightly spots and lifeless skin is a real nightmare. It can appear in anyone, regardless of age or season.

By reading our article, you will learn about home-made, proven ways to brighten the skin .

Skin brightening: Beautiful skin all year round

Undoubtedly, every woman wants her complexion to be flawless 365 days a year, like “porcelain” – uniform, without stains, wrinkles, blemishes, imperfections, looking young, without signs of sun exposure, etc. In order to take care of our complexion, we can use beauty from the gifts of mother nature and create your own SOS set, consisting of cosmetics that whiten dark spots on the skin, especially those on the face.

Many different factors are responsible for the formation of spots on the skin. However, the most common of them turns out to be the lack of proper skin care during exposure to ultraviolet rays and inadequate moisturizing after sunbathing. Stains can also appear as a result of hormonal changes (pregnancy or menstruation) or naturally as the skin ages and ages.

Woman's face in profile

Home remedies for brightening the complexion

Lemon juice

It is a natural and extremely effective skin brightening product. It is known for its skin whitening properties, thanks to the high content of vitamin C, which supports the production of melanin – a substance responsible for the proper skin tone.

In addition, lemon contains a large dose of citric acid, which supports cell renewal. A slice of this super fruit should be rubbed directly on the affected area with dark spots. You can also soak a cotton pad with lemon juice and put it on your face.

However, remember not to expose yourself to sunlight after the treatment. It’s best to stay at home all day, for example during the weekend or a day off from work. Otherwise, when the skin comes into contact with the sun’s rays, the treatment will have the opposite effect – even more spots will appear on the face.


And more precisely, its juice, containing sulfur and vitamin C. Undoubtedly, it is an excellent care ingredient, thanks to which you will maintain a beautiful complexion all year round. If you intend to reduce wrinkles, skin spots or acne scars, you should apply it externally.

Additionally, onion juice is great for stimulating hair follicles, disinfecting wounds and removing dandruff. Blend the red onion with a blender and soak the resulting juice on a cotton pad, and then apply it to the spots on the skin. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Remember that if the skin is slightly irritated there may be a burning sensation. In case it is unbearable, wash your face immediately with water.

Onion to lighten the complexion


Apple cider vinegar is one of the greatest and most reliable allies for our body, both in terms of health and cosmetics. This is because it has an acidic pH which perfectly closes the pores and makes the skin smooth and radiant.

The use of apple cider vinegar is extremely easy – just soak it in a cotton pad and apply it to the stain. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.


In addition, milk has excellent whitening properties, thanks to which you can achieve an even skin tone and add radiance to it. With regular use, you can also remove small skin spots.

We offer a homemade recipe for a milk-based face mask. Dip a cotton pad in cold or lukewarm milk and place it on the spots on your face for the whole night. Rinse thoroughly the next morning with water.

Milk for skin lightening


It has similar properties to milk, but it is also used to disinfect wounds, close skin pores, accelerate wound healing, maintain an appropriate level of skin moisture … Lactic fermentation, which is a bactericidal barrier, perfectly prevents skin infections.

To lighten your complexion, apply yogurt to your face like a traditional mask. First, wash your face thoroughly with soap and then apply a thick layer of yogurt. You can use your fingertips or a brush for this. Leave for 20 minutes and remove by rinsing thoroughly with warm water.


In a typical beauty treatment image, green cucumber slices on the eyelids must not be missing! Cucumbers contain a lot of water and therefore bring relief to tired eyelids. In addition to plenty of water, cucumber is also rich in vitamin E and essential oils, making it perfect for brightening the skin and adding radiance to it.

After applying cucumber, the skin becomes extremely soft, and spots and wrinkles are less visible. Prepare a cucumber mask: peel it, remove the seeds and mix until it becomes a paste. Apply it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. The results are almost immediate.

Sliced ​​cucumber - skin lightening

Aloe vera

This is another essential ingredient of beauty treatments. In addition to milk, it was the favorite cosmetic of Nefertiti and Cleopatra, which made their complexion always beautiful and radiant. Aloe nourishes, whitens and moisturizes the skin.

Prepare the pulp of the aloe leaf and lubricate the affected parts of the face with it. Leave it on for half an hour, then wash it off with lukewarm water.


Tomato juice is rich in nutrients that have a beneficial effect on our skin, such as vitamins A and C, proteins and lycopene which fights free radicals. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with a teaspoon of tomato juice and apply it with a cotton ball to your face.

Did you like our advice on skin lightening? Try them out!

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