Canned Foods – Why Should You Avoid Them?

Elements of plastic and metal packaging can contribute to diseases such as obesity or heart problems. It is most recommended to store food in glass or paper containers.
Canned Food - Why You Should Avoid Them?

In every supermarket you will find an entire section dedicated to canned products. We are so used to it that it seems to us that canned food is a completely normal and healthy way to store food.

However, the latest research shows that the material from which the cans are made contains many toxic substances. They also penetrate into food. Find out what risks canned food pose to your health .

The cans are made of a material with a layer of bisphenol A, a chemical used to make plastics. However, it is not the name of this substance that is most important, but its disastrous effects on your body. Research conducted by scientists from Harvard showed that in people who eat canned soup every day, after just 5 days, the concentration of bisphenol in the urine was very high. After another 5 days without canned food, another test was performed and urinary bisphenol was not detected.

Canned Food – Why You Should Avoid Them?

Is bisphenol toxic?

The properties and effects of bisphenol have been studied by many scientists. It is a compound commonly used in the manufacture of plastics, cans, and other plastics. The results published in the United States showed a high concentration of this compound even in children and fetuses.

Crushed can

Canada was the first country in the world to explicitly recognize bisphenol as a toxic substance . Later, the European Union joined it , thus prohibiting the use of this compound in the production of baby bottles. However, this prohibition does not apply to other items such as preserves or cans of drinks.

There is still no scientific evidence of the negative effects of bisphenol accumulation in the human body. However, the results of animal studies are alarming. Bisphenol turns out to be a substance that clearly disrupts the hormonal balance. This may contribute to the development of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Pandora’s box

Bisphenol can be found not only in cans and canned food. It is also found in vacuum-sealed plastic and food packaging. Only glass and paper packages are free from this compound . Perhaps it is worth considering how what we store food in affects its taste and our health?

The chemicals used in the packaging, storage and processing of food are silent killers. Hardly anyone is aware of what really gets into our body every day. Most of these substances do not give any signals of their presence. So it is very easy to hide them and unknowingly deliver them to your body.

In turn, often eating canned food and canned food, we become less and less resistant to the effects of these compounds. As a result, we are exposed to diseases such as diabetes, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular problems and obesity.

Empty cans - canned food

Unfortunately, we still know little about all the chemicals used in the production of packaging and their destructive impact on our health. So far, it has been proven that cans and preserves contain such “popular” toxins as formaldehyde, known for their carcinogenic properties, which can also be found in smaller amounts in plastic bottles.

Canned – dangerous canned tuna

Canned tuna is one of the most popular products of this type. It requires almost no preparation and can be easily combined with various products. Unfortunately, all the benefits of eating fish, such as the high content of omega-3 fatty acid and phosphorus, are neutralized by the mercury in the can .

Mercury is a poisonous metal that damages the nervous system. It gets to fish not only thanks to metal cans, but also water, which in some regions also contains it. This toxic substance increases the risk of a heart attack and disrupts the work of the nervous system. It can also lead to irreversible neurological changes in the fetus.

Canned tuna - canned food

Can secured, but dangerous

Manufacturers take great care that the cans are protected against rust and other possible chemical reactions. For this purpose, the canned food is covered with a layer of epoxy resin from the outside. Its purpose is to extend their life. Unfortunately, this does not always go hand in hand with caring for the health of consumers.

The history of poisoned cans

If you think that canned toxic substances are a problem for our time, you absolutely must learn the story of John Franklin and his ill-fated expedition to the Arctic. Many of its crew members died then as a result of poisoning … As shown by years of research, it was tinned food that was responsible for their deaths. Zinc, which turned out to be deadly, was then used to protect the cans . Over the years, the technology and methods of food storage have obviously changed. However, canned food remains a threat to our health.

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