Carrot And Coconut Conditioner For Hair Growth

Carrot and coconut conditioner for hair growth

Carrot and coconut conditioner is one of the most effective natural remedies that prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth. Both of these products have a great influence on the health of our hair!

Did you know that carrot and coconut conditioner is a great way to protect against hair loss?

Hair loss is an aesthetic problem that affects both men and women. But it’s not the end of the world! There are several simple and practical ways to stimulate your hair growth to give your hair volume, shine and strength.

Carrot and coconut conditioner that stimulates hair growth

Homemade carrot and coconut conditioner is a great way to improve the condition of your hair. These two natural products are great for restoring hair volume and stimulating its growth. Besides, the recipe for this conditioner is extremely simple. To do it, you don’t have to bother with sophisticated processing of ingredients. You will find that a little patience and persistence will allow you to enjoy great results.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should also analyze your lifestyle. Stress, poor diet and inadequate hydration are just three of the behaviors that can harm your body. In order to improve the condition of our hair, we should not forget about the factors related to the quality of our life.

Carrots and coconuts are amazing

Both coconut and carrot contain nutrients that take care of the condition of your hair, strengthen it and stimulate its growth. If you combine them together, they will work with increased power.

Carrot and coconut oil conditioner for hair
Natural hair conditioners are a great way to revive and protect your hair without using any chemicals.

Coconut is one of the most distinctive Caribbean fruits, although it grows mainly throughout the tropical belt. Coconut “milk” is used in many hair products. They are obtained by squeezing the previously crushed flesh removed from the inside of the coconut. Fortunately, you don’t have to squeeze it out yourself in the case of homemade conditioner.

In turn, ordinary carrot (Daucus carota) is one of the most popular vegetables in the history of modern dietetics. It has many properties and advantages that translate into its wide application. In the next section of this article, we’ll take a closer look at these two foods.

Health Benefits of Carrots and Coconuts


This fruit  contains large amounts of vitamins B, C and E, iron, magnesium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, proteins, amino acids, trace elements and mineral salts. They all play a key role in stimulating hair growth.

Carrots contain a lot of nutrients and antioxidants that strengthen the scalp and improve blood circulation in its area.

Coconut not only provides softness and shine, but also thanks to its moisturizing properties, it perfectly protects the hair from damage resulting from exposure to high temperatures, for example when using a hair dryer or straightener.

In addition, it protects against environmental factors that deteriorate the condition of the hair: wind, dust and pollutants present in the air. Even if your hair is not damaged, it is worth using a little bit of coconut conditioner on a regular basis, because it has an amazing smell.


Vitamin A, B, C and K, as well as high amounts of fiber, potassium and phosphorus – these are just some of the many benefits of this vegetable. These nutrients not only stimulate hair growth but also prevent hair loss. Carrot works mainly by supporting proper circulation in the scalp. In addition, it strengthens the hair follicles and protects them against the harmful effects of UV rays.

Recipe for a hair conditioner that stimulates hair growth


  • 3 large carrots, grated
  • 1 cup of coconut milk


  • First, grate the carrots and squeeze the juice out of them, wrapping them in a clean cloth or gauze.
  • Then combine the juice squeezed from the carrots with the coconut milk. Stir until you achieve a homogeneous consistency.


  • Before applying the conditioner, cleanse your hair and scalp thoroughly. We recommend washing your head in the “traditional” way.
  • When applying conditioner to your hair, make sure you cover it from the follicles to the ends. Massage your scalp with your fingers. The massage should last about 5 minutes.
  • For the conditioner to work, put a heat cap or a plastic bag on your hair. Leave them on the head for about half an hour.
  • After this time, wash the conditioner with plenty of water and a little shampoo.
  • If you want to see results that will last longer, repeat the entire procedure once a week .

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope you found it useful!

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