Chickpea, Mango And Pomegranate Salad – Get To Know The Recipe!

Usually, we associate chickpeas with hard-to-digest and high-calorie foods. It does not always have to be this way – it is enough to compose chickpeas with other, light ingredients and prepare a delicious and healthy salad, which will also help us keep a slim figure.
Chickpea, mango and pomegranate salad - get to know the recipe!

Say goodbye to fast food and finished products once and for all. They are not only unhealthy, but also adversely affect the work of our digestive system. Be sure to replace unhealthy fats with fresh ingredients. Delicious chickpea salad is a great option for a healthy and nutritious dinner.

Today we want to recommend you a fantastic recipe that combines the wonderful properties of chickpeas, sweet mango and heart-healthy pomegranate seeds. The salad below is a spectacular combination of intense flavors. They will perfectly affect your digestive system and figure.

See for yourself that this dish will become irreplaceable in your daily diet. And you will never want to give it up again. Don’t hesitate and try our recipe today. Below you will find its content!

Chickpea, mango and pomegranate salad for health and well-being

Many of us just imagine a classic green salad with tomatoes. So boring! It does not have to be this way – introduce some fantasy and new flavors into your everyday kitchen. Bet on ingredients that you have never had the courage to use to prepare meals.

Salad is one of the dishes in which you can let your imagination run wild and experiment with various ingredients that seem to be taste incompatible at first glance.

You can use literally all fruits and vegetables to make fresh and healthy salads ! Choose those that have intense flavors and are healthy for our body.

Today we have a fantastic recipe for you to start a salad revolution in your kitchen. A fresh meal based on chickpeas, mangoes and pomegranates is very healthy for the cardiovascular system, it has a great influence on our figure and is delicious.

What’s more, it is easily digestible, low in calories and provides energy for the whole day.

Chickpeas – energy and a natural way to control body weight

You may be surprised by the fact that chickpeas help you maintain a healthy weight. It is indeed so! Isn’t that wonderful?


The main problem is that traditional chickpea recipes overload the digestive system and are very caloric. This is determined by additives in the form of meat, black pudding, bacon, ham, etc.

  • Typical “grandma’s dishes” are tasty, but in the long run they have a negative effect on our health – the traditional one-pot mix is ​​a real cholesterol bomb.
  • Chickpeas are very healthy on their own and when combined with the right ingredients, for example mango and pomegranate seeds, they turn into a fantastic recipe for a healthy and nutritious dinner!
  • Chickpeas are a valuable source of dietary fiber that effectively sweeps unhealthy fats out of our body and keeps our arteries and veins clean. What’s more, it improves the functioning of the digestive system, prevents constipation and supports the excretion of toxins from the body.
  • The great advantage of chickpeas is the ingredient called lecithin, which is an organic substance that helps in the emulsification of fats. Thanks to it, the consistency of fats becomes more solid and it is easier for our body to burn them or eliminate them naturally.

Pomegranate – to guard the health of the heart

Have you ever heard of punicalagins? This term means a phenolic compound with a strong antioxidant effect, which guards the youth of our body’s cells.

Fresh pomegranate juice
  • The fantastic news is that pomegranate seeds contain far more antioxidants than red wine or green tea. Remember, however, that the pomegranate is not a fruit available all year round and you should make the most of the season for these amazing fruits.
  • What’s more, pomegranate seeds have strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. This fruit helps to maintain the health of the digestive system naturally, especially the stomach and intestines.
  • Another fascinating fact about the pomegranate is that this fruit has a tremendous effect on the health of our heart and the entire cardiovascular system.
  • Pomegranate seeds improve blood circulation and help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and naturally lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Mango – a magical, sweet fruit

Mango is a reliable fruit: it goes well with meat, soups and desserts, as well as delicious, healthy salads.

Discover the greatest advantages of this slightly exotic fruit for us, which should never be missing in your daily diet.

  • Mango naturally helps lower cholesterol. Thanks to the high content of dietary fiber, pectin and vitamin C, it perfectly removes fats from the body, and thus protects us against the harmful effects of cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Mango effectively deacidifies the body thanks to the high content of tartaric and malic acid and trace amounts of citric acid.

Chickpea, mango and pomegranate salad – get to know the recipe!


  • 1 cup of cooked chickpeas (220 g)
  • ½ cup of chopped mangoes (100 g)
  • ½ cup of pomegranate seeds (100 g)
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml)
    Nutritious chickpea salad
  • ⅔ cup of chopped chives (50 g)
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped into small pieces
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped into small pieces (5 g)

A method of preparing

If you don’t have time to soak and cook chickpeas, you can use the one that is already cooked from the jar. Prepare a bowl and mix all the ingredients together.

  • Start by adding chopped ginger, garlic, chives, and lemon juice. These ingredients will perfectly season our delicious salad.
  • When you have thoroughly mixed the above ingredients, add the chickpeas, mango and chives.
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a large spoon so that the salad gets a unique taste.

Try the chickpea, mango and pomegranate salad today and start taking care of your health!

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