Cinnamon – Learn To Grow It In Your Own Home

If we learn to grow cinnamon at home, we will obtain an excellent source of health, valuable ingredients, and a beautiful home decoration. It will not be difficult for you to properly care for it.
Cinnamon - learn to grow it in your own home

Cinnamon has a whole host of nutrients – most people are unaware of it. This eastern plant is an integral part of many recipes, including sweets and desserts.

It turns out, however, that cinnamon can help us stay healthy and in shape.

It is a great addition to your diet if you have diabetes. This is because it traps sugar from the foods it accompanies. It helps us regulate blood sugar levels. Thanks to this, despite the disease, you will be able to reach for your favorite delicacies.

Not only does it help us fight sugar, it also controls blood lipids. They are linked to the fat that turns into triglycerides or cholesterol.

As you can see, growing cinnamon at home is one of the wisest decisions. Thanks to this, you will be able to control its growth and reach for this plant every time you need it.

What you need to grow cinnamon at home

Regardless of whether you live in the countryside or in the city, you can find a place for a small flower bed.

Gardening tools

We do not necessarily mean a garden where you will grow vegetables and spices. All you need is a small space for sunlight and water to reach. You can easily buy tools on the Internet or in stores for gardeners.

Here are the utensils you may need:

  • Cinnamon seeds. You will get them out of the black pods that appear on the cinnamon bush. They are not edible, but they enable us to plant this plant. If you don’t have cinnamon seeds available, you can buy them.
  • Small containers for the first stage of cinnamon growth. As is the case in most cases, in order to grow this plant at home, you will need to organize the space for the first stage of “incubation”. We will discuss this step later with more details.
  • Medium containers for transplanting plants. You will need it at a later stage of germination.
  • Remember that when the cinnamon grows, it will be about 120 cm tall. From now on, everything will depend on your will and fantasy.
  • A combination of acidic soil, Sphangnum  moss  and gravel. For cinnamon to develop properly, you will need a loose and powdery substrate so that the water can absorb well. The soil should contain a high concentration of organic matter.
  • You will also need a well-lit place, which, however, will not be reached directly by the sun’s rays. Ideally, the humidity should be high.
  • Remember, if you want to grow cinnamon at home, where you set up the pot is crucial.

How to grow cinnamon at home

If you want to grow cinnamon at home, follow these simple steps:

Cinnamon leaves

Carry out the germination process in a dark place

In its natural habitat, cinnamon grows in moist areas. Therefore, at the first stage of cultivation, we recommend that you mix the substrate with the seeds and then place the container in a dark place.

Water the plant daily

Especially in the first stage of breeding, the plant must not run out of water. The mixture of the ground we use is perfect, so you just need to moisten it once or twice a day.

After four months, overdo it

After about four months, the plant will be strong enough to replant it to its final location. This is an important decision as the size of the cinnamon will depend on the container you choose.

Place the cinnamon in a sunnier place

At this stage of development, our plant will need a little more light. Remember, however, that the sun’s rays should not come into direct contact with cinnamon.

Germinating plants

Water the plant but do not overflow it

At this stage, water the plant in the same way as at the beginning. Be sure to use a substrate that is humid but drainable. Otherwise, there is a risk that the roots of the plant will get wet, leading to rotting.

By following our tips, you will grow cinnamon at home with little effort. In addition to providing you with its nutritional properties, it will also be a beautiful decoration of your home.

Whether you choose white cinnamon or its green variety, you will get an original decoration. What’s more, your home will be filled with a beautiful aroma, making everyone want to be there.

Everything you need to grow cinnamon at home is within your reach. You won’t need a lot of money for this. Moreover, you will be guaranteed that the cinnamon you eat will be healthy and organic.

Don’t hesitate, we encourage you to try growing this aromatic spice in your home. It will cleanse your body and sweeten your soul.

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