Citrus Salad With Dates And Almonds

Citrus salad with dates and almonds

By combining citrus fruits, dates and almonds, we can create a refreshing salad that can be enjoyed at lunch or dinner. Sounds interesting? Discover the recipe in this article. Citrus salad tastes great!

We will teach you how to prepare a fresh citrus, date and almond salad that you can enjoy without feeling guilty. Thanks to its interesting combination of ingredients, it is a good source of essential nutrients such as proteins, omega 3, vitamins and minerals.

Want to know what a citrus salad looks like ? Be sure to read this article.

Citrus salad with dates and almonds – recipe

The base can be very diverse, but lettuce, endive or lamb’s lettuce work best. Now we can add vegetables and greens that we like best. Tomatoes, carrots and beets are excellent options.

This way, we can take advantage of all the benefits that beetroot offers for our cardiovascular health, as highlighted in a study published in Advances in Nutrition .

Let’s start with the main ingredients. The citrus fruit that works best in this salad is oranges. You can also use lemon juice as an additive to the dressing. The dates will add a sweet flavor and the almonds will add a crispy texture, although they can be replaced with any other dried fruit.

Thanks to the olive oil in the dressing, we will provide more omega-3 fatty acids. We will use a teaspoon of mustard and a little lemon juice to complete the mixture. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste.

A fork with fruit

With this delicious salad, you can reap the benefits of citrus fruits, olive oil and vegetables.

A method of preparing

  • In a large bowl, place the washed lettuce and the selected vegetables, cut into small pieces.
  • Then cut the dates into quarters and add them. Add whole orange pieces and finely chopped almonds for a crispy flavor.
  • When everything is ready, prepare the dressing which consists of 2 tablespoons of olive oil for each teaspoon of mustard and lemon juice.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste, then prepare the salad 5 minutes before eating. It is important to mix it well so that all the flavors come together.

The benefits of citrus salad with dates and almonds

In addition to being a simple and convenient dish to prepare, this fresh citrus, date and almond salad has many benefits for our health.

First of all, as a study published in the Chemistry Central Journal confirms, it’s a dish that helps fight inflammation, aging, and free radicals thanks to its citrus antioxidant content.

In addition, it is an interesting source of omega 3 fatty acids, necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of unsaturated fatty acids helps prevent plaque formation in the arteries and reduces the risk of a heart attack.

In addition, this dish provides protein. Despite being a vegetable protein, nuts are a good source of this macronutrient. If we want maximum amino acid intake, we can add some animal protein, such as fresh cheese or cheese cubes, but this will increase the caloric value.

Citrus salad – a good idea for those who want to lose weight

Woman eating a salad

It is a light dish with a low caloric value. Dates are a source of simple carbohydrates, but in the case of weight loss, you can limit their amount. The same is true for oil and mustard, which are high energy density foods.

  • Two tablespoons of oil and a teaspoon of mustard will ensure that the dish will not exceed the calorie limit without having to give up the taste.
  • It is a great idea for complete lunches that can even be carried in a Tupperware container to eat out.
  • It is easy to digest and we can vary the vegetables we use to avoid boredom.

Easy to store

Another positive point of this recipe is that it is easy to keep in the cold. Covered with cling film and refrigerated, it can last 2-3 days without any problems. Although if we want to eat it for the next few days, it is best to prepare each portion separately, so that the vegetables do not get soggy.

Would you like to try this recipe at home? As you can see, apart from being delicious, it also has interesting health properties. So don’t hesitate to include it in your lunches or dinners, you’ll love it for sure!

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