Cleansing Cocktails Based On Vegetables And Fruits That You Did Not Know!

In addition to providing vitamins and minerals, these cocktails effectively cleanse the body and remove harmful substances that can negatively affect your health.
Cleansing cocktails based on vegetables and fruits that you did not know!

Cleansing cocktails are an excellent way to eliminate the accumulated unnecessary metabolic products from the body, especially on those days when there is excessive eating, which often results in fatigue and lack of vitality.

Cocktails are prepared from products rich in minerals and vitamins, with properties stimulating tissue regeneration and preventing dehydration of the body. It is a simple and effective way to improve your well-being and improve digestion.

If in recent days you have noticed that the digestive processes are slower, and you yourself are sluggish and you lack energy, do not hesitate for a moment and try the possibilities suggested by nature. Also serve them to your loved ones! In this way, you will all benefit from their beneficial properties.

Cocktails that will come to your aid!

1. Cleansing cocktails based on apple, lemon and parsley

This simple combination of apple, lemon, and parsley provides a full complement of nutrients that provide the following benefits:

Cleansing cocktails
  • optimizes the functioning of the liver. Vitamin C provided by lemon, pectin found in apples and the cleansing properties of parsley detoxify the liver cells and at the same time strengthen them
  • parsley is rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron and sulfur. It is the perfect set that will provide the body with the right dose of energy and improve the functioning of the kidneys
  • Lemon not only strengthens the immune system, but also alkalizes the internal environment of the body, which helps in removing harmful substances


  • 1 apple
  • squeezed juice from one lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of parsley (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (200ml)

A method of preparing:

  • it is best if an apple with the skin is used to prepare the cocktail. Before that, they should be thoroughly washed and divided into smaller pieces
  • squeeze the lemon juice and mix all ingredients thoroughly using a blender
  • drink the obtained preparation slowly, preferably in the early morning hours. In this way, the ingredients needed for its full detoxification will be delivered to the body

2. Cleansing cocktails based on beetroot, strawberry, lemon and avocado

Cleansing cocktails
  • if we combine them with beets and lemon, we will provide the body with the necessary energy and regulate the work of the intestines
  • beetroots, on the other hand, have a detoxifying and healing effect. They improve liver function and support digestive processes. At the same time, they have a positive effect on blood circulation, soothe headaches and are an effective remedy for heartburn
  • these cocktails also contain avocados. It is an extra boost of nutrients that will help you start a new day with energy. Avocados are delicious in taste and it is really worth introducing them to the daily menu


  • 1 small beetroot
  • 8 strawberries
  • the squeezed juice of half a lemon
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)

A method of preparing:

  • the first thing to do is boil the beetroot and then cut it in half
  • then wash thoroughly and slice the strawberries and place them in a blender together with the beetroot and lemon juice
  • at the end, a delicious addition will be the half of an avocado, which will give you energy and a unique flavor
  • if we happen to be outside the strawberry season, pineapple can be used instead
  • mix all ingredients thoroughly using a blender. The cocktail not only has an attractive color, but also a unique flavor

3. Cleansing cocktails based on celery and honey

Celery is a natural cleanser and alkalizes the body’s internal environment. It helps fight the symptoms of rheumatoid diseases, reduces hypertension and improves the treatment of many stomach problems.

It can be said that this vegetable is the basic ingredient that should be included in cocktails if it wants to

Health cocktails

we cleanse the body properly.

Moreover, when combined with other natural remedies with healing properties such as honey, these cocktails will be a great way to improve your vitality on those days when you feel extremely exhausted and run out of energy.

  • honey naturally cleanses the body, strengthens the immune system and alleviates the symptoms of heartburn
  • drinking celery and honey-based drinks will ensure your well-being and an adequate level of energy throughout the day


  • 3 pieces of celery
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)
  • 1 liter of water

A method of preparing:

  • the preparation should begin with a thorough cleaning and cutting the celery into smaller pieces. Then, using a mortar, crush the vegetable so as to bring out the essential oils that are in it.
  • mix all ingredients together with one glass of water using a blender
  • after obtaining a homogeneous mass, add another three glasses of water
  • when the preparation is ready to drink it throughout the day. The first glass is best eaten on an empty stomach, and each subsequent glass 20 minutes before each meal. The results will be amazing!

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