Coal – 7 Unusual Uses At Home

It turns out that coal is not only used in gardening or as material for a fire or barbecue. You can also use it to whiten your teeth or remove unpleasant odors.
Coal - 7 amazing uses at home

We may think that coal is only used to keep a fire, organize a barbecue or heat a house, but it turns out that it has many more uses than you might expect.

In this article, you will learn about the remarkable uses for coal in our households. Soon you won’t be able to do without it!

Coal – surprising home applications

Carbon is an element that cannot be missing in any apartment, because it serves as a natural air purifier, assists in gardening and even creates beautiful drawings.

Below you will find the most interesting uses of coal:

1. Charcoal removes mold

If you have moisture problems in your home, don’t hesitate to use coal to get rid of them. When there are small leaks in the walls, ceiling and floor, a thorough cleaning is not enough.

You have to remove the mold forever. Bathrooms, toilets and basements are the most common victims of mold, turning them into environments full of damp and unpleasant odors. The good news is that charcoal can help remove moisture once and for all.

First, clean the area thoroughly with chlorine, baking soda, or vinegar and then let the charcoal do its job.

pieces of coal in the hands

It is very easy. All you have to do is place the container with the pieces of coal in the affected areas. It can be a space under the bed, a wardrobe or a laundry room.

2. Help in the orchard and garden

If you have a nice garden but you feel it is taking too long to care for or you are dissatisfied with the results of your work, it may be time to ask for charcoal for help – your new green helper.

Use coal, for example when the compost gives off the unpleasant smell of ammonia. Don’t hesitate to mix some carbon into your organic waste and compost.

If you grind it into small pieces and spread it over grass, flowers and around tree trunks, you will achieve the effect of continuous plant hydration and eliminate weeds.

coal and a wooden spoon

If you have flowers at home, you can keep them longer with charcoal. Place a piece of charcoal on the bottom of the pot or vase, add some water, add soil, and then plant the plants.

Charcoal is recommended especially for orchids that are quite delicate and sensitive. These plants will benefit from the presence of this element because of the alkalinity it provides.

3. Water purification

Coal traps pollutants in the water, such as industrial waste, chemicals, pesticides, etc. For this reason, it is advisable to use coal in homes where the water quality is not the best.

Coal can also be used to filter water from streams and rivers when we go camping. Of course, keep in mind that charcoal does not completely eliminate bacteria, viruses, or minerals.

water purification is one of the functions of carbon

4. Maintenance of furniture and tools

If you have furniture or dark wooden floors, you are certainly suffering from spots and blemishes that are so hard to remove later.

To avoid the need to seek an expert in this field, you can wipe the surface with charcoal and “cover up” the problem.

For tools that we use less frequently, it makes sense to use carbon to prevent corrosion or damage. Perfect especially for garden tools. You can rub them with charcoal immediately after use or place a piece of charcoal in the container where you keep your tools.

5. Charcoal removes unpleasant odors

Does your fridge, trash can or garbage can smell really bad? Use coal – this is an excellent solution.

As with moisture, this miracle element has the ability to absorb strong odors in certain parts of the home.

Place a handful of charcoal in a bowl or cloth bag and leave it where you smell an unpleasant odor. Thanks to this, you will never worry about unpleasant odors in your home again.

6. Teeth whitening

coal and bamboo

If you want perfectly white teeth like in ad-supported toothpaste, you can use charcoal as it is one of the best home whitening products out there.

You only need to try this method once and you will never worry about the appearance of your teeth.

  • All you need to do is crush a piece of charcoal into a bowl and dip your toothbrush in it.
  • Brush your teeth as you usually do.
  • Focus especially on the areas you want to whiten the most.
  • Rinse with warm water and repeat the procedure daily.

7. Drawing with the family

If children are bored because it’s winter or it’s raining, they can start drawing with charcoal on paper or cardboard. This way, they will be able to reveal their artistic talents and have a great time.

However, be careful not to let the youngest think of “leaving your mark” on walls, furniture or the floor as stains can be really hard to remove.

If it’s summer and your little ones are on vacation and you don’t want them to spend all their time in front of the computer, you can try drawing with charcoal on the pavement. In this way, you can teach your children the games you loved as a child, such as hopscotch.

Other interesting uses of coal:

  • Antidote to poisonous substances.
  • Relief of abdominal swelling and gas.
  • Aid digestion.
  • Ointment for stings and bites.

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