Coloring Pages As A Way To Relieve Stress!

By focusing our attention on coloring, we forget about problems. Playing with colors can be as effective as meditation and will facilitate connection with our interior.
Coloring pages are a way to relieve stress!

It may seem unbelievable, but it turns out that coloring pages can help us reduce stress! Coloring pages allow you to relax and turn off your brain, rest and focus on what is here and now.

In a word, coloring helps, at least for a moment, to escape the monotony of everyday life and the hustle and bustle. And also free yourself from worries that haunt negative thoughts, feelings and emotions.

According to specialists, specific areas of the brain are activated by focusing on an image and the need to synchronize the work of the eye with the hand. They inhibit the functioning of the limbic system (responsible for our emotions).

Thus, coloring helps to free our senses from any fears, anxieties and worries.

Coloring pages not only for children!

We all associate coloring and drawing with activities assigned to children. However, as research shows, we should never give up this activity. It facilitates connection with our interior.

Coloring pages

Coloring inexplicably helps to restore peace and inner harmony. It also helps you organize your thoughts and feelings. And all this is due to a simple activity that is completely absorbing.

Therefore, it is worth finding out how coloring affects our brain. Thanks to this, we will be able to understand more easily why it is so necessary for both our mind and body:

Coloring helps to turn off the brain

It is so absorbing that we stop spending so much time in the effort of thinking and emotions that often contradict each other.

The colors

Due to the fact that we have to look for colors that attract our attention more, we improve motor skills and at the same time maintain focus.

Thus, the activity of the limbic system (the amygdala and other parts of it) is reduced. This provides more stability to our feelings.

Developing creativity

Creativity is released when our mind loses all those thoughts that overwhelm it and overwhelm it. That is why coloring is one of those activities that leaves room for our creativity to show off and results in better and better projects each time.

To discover and unleash your creative abilities, we have a wide variety of coloring books on a variety of topics to choose from. Effective mandalas, animals, forests, abstract objects are just some of them.

Among the many options available, if you are interested, you will surely find something for yourself that will allow you to unleash your creative side!

Doing things for fun

Have you ever wondered how many times a day, month or year you do things you enjoy? Doing things just because we like to do them is still one of the topics we all set aside in a dark corner.


This is complicated, if only because many of us live in such an order that it often prevents us from deviating from a strictly defined scenario. Nevertheless, each of us should stop and find time for this type of activity. They enrich our interior in an amazing way.

Finding yourself with yourself and with others

Thanks to painting and coloring, we can be alone for a while. Similar activities will help us discover deeply hidden fears, but also discover people who share our interests.

There are groups and websites dedicated to coloring that bring together lovers of it.

The most popular coloring pages

Currently, there are tons of books that will allow us to have endless fun with colors. Nevertheless, we will now present you those that are the most popular and widely known to everyone, and those that appeared first on the market. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • “Mandalas and other Buddhist drawings for coloring” – Similar books offer many mandalas in the shape of Buddhist patterns and motifs. It consists of many examples of extensive drawings that can be colored at will, awakening the dormant layers of creativity.
  • “Secret Garden”, “Enchanted Forest” – both books are by the British Johann Basford. His works have become international bestsellers. The inspiration for their creation was the author’s visit to the grandparents’ house in the countryside
Mandalas are popular coloring pages
  • “Therapeutic coloring” – its author is Richard Merritt and this is another edition that became famous thanks to the detail and accuracy of the drawings
  • “Coloring book of mindfulness” – here Emma Farraros invites us to meditate and consciously explore our interior through color

Acquainting yourself with various techniques of coloring, drawing, painting, patiently creating details using brushes and crayons will help to calm your thoughts and emotions.  It will help you to work on patience and will be time for yourself.

As already mentioned, coloring is as effective in releasing stress as meditation, because in a similar way it allows you to forget about worries and negative thoughts, even for a moment. Now there is nothing else to do but make a decision and buy one of the copies for yourself and get to work!

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