Constance Hall: I Am A Mother, Not A Slave!

Despite their responsibilities at home, women can and should also spend their time doing the things they enjoy. It should not be forgotten that life is not only about work and duties.
Constance Hall: I'm a mother, not a slave!

“Being a mother does not make me a slave with a work order staying at home.” This statement recently gained popularity comparable to typical virals after the publication of Constance Hall , a 32-year-old Australian woman, appeared on her Facebook profile.

Constance Hall  is a young woman who is active on social networks and also runs her own blog, where she discusses active ways of spending time with children, emphasizing the importance of maintaining social ties, as well as devoting time to her own interests and passions.

Such a message was published by her a few weeks ago. And while it initially appeared to be a common opinion, it was actually seen as a call to all women to clearly define their role in society and to care for their personal development at all times, combined with the skilful integration of the responsibilities of being mothers.

Mother with children

In our today’s article, we would like to invite you to reflect on this topic.

I’m a mother, but I’m also a woman: Constance Hall’s loud post

Constance Hall is one of those women who are not afraid to take their children with them almost everywhere they go. He just takes them in his arms and spends long hours with them on the beach, meeting other children and their friends, or going shopping together.

She did not want to give up anything in her life, so she had to set a few basic priorities that were her children and herself.

Tired of many of her friends calling themselves “housewives” instead of “mothers”, where some of them fell into a state of depression or helplessness whenever they were left alone, Constance Hall decided to publish an interesting observation that we would like to share with you as well:

“I am writing to those women sitting on benches in the park who keep their eyes fixed on their cell phone screens instead of giving their children all the attention.


Yes, I’m talking to you. Instead of being immersed in the virtual world on your smartphone, open your eyes to the real world and your children, and do not join a group of mothers who only communicate with each other and with their children via social networks.

Remember once and for all that what this “little group of mothers” thinks doesn’t really matter in the slightest. So get up and start playing with your kids.

A woman who is aware of the mountains of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink is still able to freely cross the threshold of her own home, going out with her children and spend some time, for example, for coffee and chatting with a friend.

Yes, I’m talking to you. Being a good mother, wife, or human being doesn’t mean spending 24 hours cleaning the house. If this becomes your obsession, most of your friends will simply go on with their lives without you.


Hey woman with a prescription for postpartum antidepressants, I’m talking to you. You may find it hard to believe, but you will still fight your depression as your children grow up. Depression should not be confused with quitting. You are still the master of your life and you can overcome all difficulties without any problems.

It is the best time of your life so you should enjoy it whenever you can.

We sometimes mistake strength for weakness, but you should always remember that you are much stronger than you think. Asking for help is not the same as showing weakness. It’s really worth a try. Keep in mind that many women experience the same things as you, they just don’t talk about it out loud.

I am now writing to a woman who has not yet shed all the extra pounds caused by her pregnancy. Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter as being a mother is a new job that requires 24/7 attention, but you don’t get paid for it.


In fact, it is a never-ending job. So don’t hesitate to eat that piece of cake that smiles at you on your plate. Your postpartum body should not be of any concern to anyone but you, so forget that someone may have a say. His opinion is not relevant to you. ”.

The importance of setting the right priorities in life

Each of us either agrees or contradicts the words of Constance Hall . You can always have a clean house and dishes washed, but then you should dedicate all your time to your children as well.
However, the overall idea brought up by Constance Hall has developed much more than it seems. Being a mother doesn’t mean you have to give up your life, your own dreams, friendships, or a career that were important to you before the baby was born.

We realize, of course, that our daily life will no longer be the same, that we will encounter many more difficulties, various complications, and that we will occasionally lose hope at one point or another.

However, everyday life, gaining experience and being a mother also means being strong, flexible and ready every day to fight for what we love most in the world.

Hugging children

Setting the right priorities is a must: remember that if you are unhappy, you will not be able to support your children with dedication.

If at some point in your life you start to lose hope, do not hesitate to go out with your children, enjoy the sunshine, talk to other mothers, surround yourself with people who will undoubtedly remind you of the miracle of your own life and the possibility of raising children .

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