Constipation – Laxatives Facilitate Defecation

Constipation is a gastrointestinal symptom that occurs when our digestive system is not working properly.
Constipation - Laxatives will help ease bowel movements

There are home remedies for constipation and measures that can prevent complications from forming in our digestive tract. Natural laxatives are one of them.

A person with a healthy digestive system has a maximum of 3 bowel movements a day. However, if a person only needs to go to the toilet 2 or 3 times a week, it may be because they are constipated . When bowel movements become painful, it becomes a more serious problem.

Our stool should be firm and compact. If it has a different appearance, you should pay attention to it as treatment or a change in diet may be necessary.

How to fight constipation?

  • Increase your fiber intake: fruits, vegetables and grains.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  • Incorporate exercise into your lifestyle (walking, running, dancing).
  • Never force yourself or stop having a bowel movement.

In addition, another way to cleanse the body and speed up the digestive process is to take laxatives.

Always follow this leaflet when using pharmaceutical products. However, there are natural laxatives that offer the same effects without harming the body. You can find them in your pantry.

1. Coconut water

Coconut water not only has a refreshing taste. It also replenishes minerals and electrolytes in your body, which is why it is recommended for hot seasons.

coconut water

Some of its properties:

  • Eliminates excess alcohol that accumulates in the body.
  • It increases the platelet count and strengthens the immune system.
  • It cleans the urinary tract and acts as a humidifier in the body.
  • It acts as a laxative that purifies the blood.

2. Apple cider vinegar

All you need to do is add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your daily drink. Alternatively, you can just eat an apple as the fiber in it will stimulate your digestive system.

3. Aloe

In its raw state, aloe vera can act as a powerful laxative because it contains anthraquinone. This substance increases the fluid content of the intestine.

Aloe also eliminates particles that accumulate in the digestive tract. A few drops of aloe vera in a glass of water will suffice.

Aloe and aloe gel

4. Chia seeds and linseed

Chia seeds are high in fiber which is great for fighting constipation.

You should drink plenty of water with their consumption to help mitigate their effects on the body.

5. Persistent constipation? Drink coffee!

Do you want to know another reason why you should drink coffee? Well, you need to know that coffee stimulates digestion and, as a result, helps fight constipation.

When we eat, our body releases the hormones gastrin and cholecystokinin, which are responsible for gut movement. When we drink coffee, these hormones multiply. As a result, you will relax faster ,

Coffee in a cup

6. Baking soda

This substance is responsible for ensuring the rapid flow of air throughout the digestive system.

Application method

  • To use this remedy for constipation, just add a tablespoon of baking soda to a cup of hot water.
  • Quickly mix and drink.
  • Repeat the process in the morning for 3 days.

7. Plums

Prunes contain a substance called pectin. Pectin works similar to fiber in that it cleans up excess fat and cholesterol. Eating prunes frequently is a great way to relieve constipation.

plums for constipation

Way of consumption

  • Soak 3 prunes in a glass of water overnight.
  • Drink water in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat this process for 3 days.

8. Vegetables

Eating raw vegetables is also recommended for fighting constipation. It is worth mentioning that organic vegetables produce the best results. They are high in fiber and speed up your metabolism.

Some of the best options are:

  • Garlic
  • Cabbage
  • Onion
  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes

Recommendations for constipation

  • Eating legumes often doesn’t help with constipation, especially chickpeas, lentils or white beans.
  • The daily recommended dose of fruit and vegetables is 5 servings.
  • A handful of nuts a week will help speed up your metabolism.
  • Include products containing lactobacilli in your diet.
  • Incorporate 30 minutes of physical activity into your daily routine.

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