Delicate Stomach – 10 Foods You Can Eat

These products will soothe your delicate stomach.
A tender stomach - 10 foods you can eat

People with a fragile stomach must follow a strict diet to avoid unpleasant digestive problems that interfere with daily functioning. Certain products can be of great help in this. Thanks to these foods, you will reduce inflammation in the intestines and restore the balance in their bacterial flora.

In this article, we have described ten products that will help you take care of your delicate stomach.

Products that will help you soothe your delicate stomach

1. Agar-agar

Agar-agar is a substance made from seaweed with gelling properties. People on a vegan and vegetarian diet replace gelatin of animal origin with it.

This ingredient can concentrate any type of fluid. The more you use it, the stronger the gelling effect will be.

Agar-agar is a vegetable gelatin that has intestinal regulating properties. It works even in ailments such as diarrhea. Agar-agar owes its healing effects to the prebiotics it contains and minerals such as magnesium, iodine and lime.

2. Chia seeds and linseed

chia seeds
  • After soaking, they secrete vegetable glue. A type of soluble fiber that makes water look like mucus.
  • By drinking this water along with the grains in it, you provide your intestines with a deep cleansing.

3. Products which have undergone fermentation processes

Fermented products have many health benefits. They support the development of the bacterial flora in your intestines and protect it from damage. In fact, it is exposed to numerous unpleasantness. It is harmed by antibiotics, poor diet and diseases of the digestive system.

  • The most popular fermented products are natural yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha.

4. Papaya for a delicate stomach

Papaya is a very tasty tropical fruit that has a great effect on your digestive system. After reaching the intestines, it exhibits gentle laxative and detoxifying properties. Papaya supports the treatment of constipation, diverticulitis and has antiparasitic properties.

papaya for a delicate stomach
  • We recommend eating raw papaya for breakfast. It tastes great cut into pieces, in the form of juice and as an addition to a cocktail.

5. Apples

Eating apples supports the digestive system and restores its balance. Eating them can help you treat bowel disease. The action of apples depends on the form in which they are eaten.

  • If you eat raw apples with the peel, you support bowel movements. The fiber contained in the fruit helps in the fight against constipation.

Thanks to apples, your intestines work more efficiently, and you also strengthen the muscles that the digestive system uses.

  • Apples that are peeled or grated,  slightly brown due to oxidative processes, will help you cure diarrhea. All thanks to tannins that activate under the influence of air, as well as the high content of pectins. Pectin binds water and thus slows down bowel movements.

6. Kuzu good for a delicate stomach

The inclusion of kuzu in the diet is also recommended for people who suffer from recurrent diarrhea, constipation or cramps, or if we have a fragile stomach. Eating kuzu can help the bacteria in your intestines work.

  • Kuzu is water soluble. You can also heat it until it thickens, and then carefully strain the resulting liquid.

7. Ground coffee

This is a very interesting way to effectively relieve intestinal inflammation.

  • All you need to do is drink a glass of water with a spoonful of ground coffee every morning. You should do this at least 30 minutes before breakfast.

This simple recipe will make you feel almost immediate relief.

8. Sea water for a delicate stomach

sea ​​water


  • 1/4 cup of sea water
  • 3/4 cup of water


  • Mix both types of water and drink it with breakfast.

9. Plantains

Plantana is a medicinal plant that you can consume as an infusion. It has soothing and intestinal regulating properties.

Plantains are helpful in treating diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

10. Oats

Oats are a very healthy grain, rich in fiber and vegetable glue. These two ingredients help treat all intestinal problems. In order for oats to be effective, you should eat oats that have been boiled or soaked in water. Raw oats can be difficult to digest and can even cause heartburn.

Oats are also extremely nutritious. It will give you energy and strength. It also has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous system, helps to relax, soothes irritability and anxiety.

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