Diet For Gastritis – What Should It Be?

First of all, a diet for gastritis should be low in fat, fiber and simple sugars. This reduces acidity production. It can significantly help reduce symptoms and discomfort.
Diet for gastritis - what should it be?

Gastritis causes great discomfort, often heartburn and even nausea and vomiting. People suffering from this condition fear even eating meals, worrying about the possible painful consequences. That is why a proper diet for gastritis is so important.

First of all , a gastritis diet should be low in fat, fiber and simple sugars. This reduces acidity production. It can significantly help reduce symptoms and discomfort.

In this article, you will learn what a proper eating routine should look like in this situation.

Diet for gastritis: but what actually causes gastritis to become inflamed?

It may therefore seem that the disease and its occurrence largely depend on genetic or environmental factors (eating, smoking, etc.). In any case, these aren’t the only causes of gastritis. Among others, we also distinguish:

  • Constantly taking certain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Using too much alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
  • Autoimmune diseases such as anemia.
  • Stress or chronic anxiety increase the acid levels in the stomach and cause the so-called nervous gastritis.
  • Abuse of heavy or spicy foods.

The mucosa prevents the formation of ulcers and plays an important role in maintaining an appropriate pH.

However, when exposed to certain factors, irritation or weakness can occur which, if not controlled in time, can cause gastritis .

Diet for gastritis – what should it be?

The gastritis diet described in this article should be nutritious and healthy. Therefore, we should take care of food that improves our and our stomach’s well-being.

In addition, harmful and irritating foods should be avoided. To do this, we need to recognize food products that are appropriate for our health.

Thanks to a proper diet, we can improve digestion, reduce pain symptoms, and thus reduce inflammation and stomach discomfort. However, it should be remembered that further medical observation is always necessary in the treatment of gastritis.

General nutritional guidelines

When preparing a menu for people with gastritis, the following nutritional guidelines should be considered:

  • Light meals: if necessary, we can eat more light and smaller portions. However, we should not lead to large, one-off meals.
  • The diet should include gastric mucosa-friendly foods such as potatoes, rice, carrots, pumpkins, boiled cabbage, apple, ripe banana and olive oil.
  • Let’s remember to limit fats and find an alternative to frying. Light options that do not endanger our stomach are: steaming, cooked products, purees, soups or creams. First of all, we must avoid excess fried, grilled or very dry or undercooked dishes.
  • We should not eat too hot food and drinks.
  • Remember to take plenty of water every day.

Diet for gastritis – sample menu

Healthy menu

Remember that diet has a driving force that can reduce the discomfort of gastritis, but it is not a therapeutic agent. We always remind you that an appropriate routine, also when fed, is a complementary and supporting factor.

What to eat for breakfast?

  • Semi-skimmed milk with sugar or yoghurt.
  • White bread with jam, or biscuits, or two slices of white bread with turkey ham.
  • 1 tablespoon of lean white cheese.

You can also get inspiration from Poznań residents , instead of cream, add only natural yoghurt to white cheese and you will get an alternative, delicate version of Poznań cottage cheese, called gzik.  The original version also includes chives and onions of your choice.

Second breakfast

  • Dried fruit or fruit compote. You can also consume fruit juices: peach, apple or grape.
    Oatmeal with peaches
  • Fruit is generally recommended.


  • Starter: zucchini purée, or potatoes boiled with rice, or boiled rice, you can also reach for wheat pasta with boiled ham, zucchini and eggplant.
  • Main course: roasted chicken thigh without skin, or: grilled veal. If you prefer fish, you can serve cooked hake or baked cod.
  • For dessert: Ripe banana or peach in syrup. It can also be a baked pumpkin or homemade skimmed milk cream.


  • Natural yogurt with biscuits and fruit.

Diet for gastritis for dinner

  • Starter : cooked green beans, carrots and potatoes, or a cream of vegetables, or broth and a portion of potato gratin.
  • Main course: grilled breast with steamed potato or grilled ham. Use also roasted turkey breast with carrots. Another suggestion is roasted halibut, or a French omelette with zucchini.
  • Dessert: A baked apple, a ripe pear with ricotta, or a fresh white cheese with quince, or a delicious homemade vanilla cream.

Note : If you want to improve your digestion, you can also increase your intake of digestive healthy infusions.

Finally, don’t restrict your diet more than necessary. Think that you should follow these recommendations, but always bear in mind your personal tolerances.

Try to make your diet, within your limits, as varied and complete as possible. Also, if your condition improves, you will be able to gradually introduce more varied foods into your diet.

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