Diets Detoxifying The Liver – What You Need To Know

Detox diets are designed to cleanse the liver of lingering toxins. In this way, it will work better and we will prevent many diseases. In this article, we’ll tell you about everything you need to know about it.
Liver detox diets - what you need to know

Liver detox diets are a popular way to remove toxins from the liver. In short, these are nutritional plans that include easy-to-digest foods designed to take the strain off the liver and allow it to work better.

As with other detox diets, these diets should also only be used for a few days at a time because they are not “miracle diets” and are much stricter than other balanced diets.

Liver detoxification diets are recommended for people who have overloaded this organ by eating heavy foods or drinking alcohol. They are also recommended in the prevention of fatty liver and in the case of allergies caused by a malfunction of this organ.

So – what are they made of?

Liver detoxification diets and their importance

The liver is believed to perform over 500 different functions and is involved in many processes in the body, as it is responsible, among other things, for the synthesis of proteins and the storage of essential vitamins.

The body also produces cholesterol and plays a huge role in maintaining the proper functioning of the immune system.

The place of the liver in the body

The problem is that constant exposure to toxins and a sedentary lifestyle can worsen the liver and reduce its performance. As a result, inflammation can develop and diseases can develop that will significantly reduce the quality of your life.

Therefore, it is a good idea to occasionally undergo liver detox diets to just give your liver a rest from time to time. While changing your lifestyle to a more active lifestyle is a permanent solution, detox diets are an effective remedy for liver poisoning in the short term.

What are the liver detox diets made of?

Liver detox diets are low-calorie diet plans designed to restore the health of the liver, eliminating the harmful effects of residual toxins.

This means discontinuation of important food groups, so they should not be used for a period longer than 5 days. The best time to start such a diet is before switching to a weight loss nutrition program.


When you reduce the burden on your liver, your metabolism will improve significantly. Such diets are also recommended in cases of poor digestion, inflammation and recurring headaches.

Recommended foods

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Herbs and spices
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Healthy fats (olive oil, avocado oil, blubber)
  • Buckwheat and quinoa
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas)

Foods prohibited

  • Red meat
  • Butter and margarine
  • Meats and other processed meat products
  • Processed oil (palm oil, soybean oil)
  • Purchased fried dishes
  • Whole Milk Products
  • Coffee and other caffeinated drinks
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Junk food (burgers, pizza, hot dog)
  • Bought bread and cakes
  • Canned and processed frozen products
  • Sweets and refined sugar
  • Alcoholic drinks
Detoxifying diets - no alcohol

An exemplary liver detox diet

To best relieve your liver and eliminate toxins, it’s a good idea to switch to a balanced, low-fat, low-calorie diet permanently. However, it is also worth having a special detox diet at least three times a year.

The detox diet described below may be used for a maximum of 5 days. While it helps take care of your liver and helps you lose weight, using it for a longer period than that mentioned may have the opposite effect.

Suggestions for the first thing in the morning (in addition to the rest of the food)

  • Warm water with lemon
  • Artichoke decoction
  • Extra virgin olive oil with lemon juice

Suggestions for breakfast

  • Chamomile tea and a whole grain sandwich with avocado and grains
  • Almond milk, spinach omelette, and fresh fruit
  • Cooked oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon
  • Orange juice with papaya and a vegetarian sandwich
  • Smoothie with plant milk, banana, green apple and green tea

Suggestions for lunch

  • Green or herbal tea
  • A handful of soaked nuts (soaked overnight)
  • Apple or papaya

Suggestions for lunch

  • Vegetable soup with brown rice and grilled artichoke
  • Salad with radish, onion, carrot, hummus, and fruit
  • A serving of turkey breast, artichoke salad with olive oil, a slice of whole grain bread, and green tea
  • Lentils with brown rice, a portion of salmon, and a green apple
  • Vegetable soup with arugula salad, lettuce, carrot and avocado

Suggestions for afternoon tea

  • Fruit (selectable)
  • A handful of unsalted, raw almonds
  • A slice of fresh pineapple and green tea

Suggestions for dinner

Green salad with tomato
  • Green salad with olive oil, a portion of white fish, and a slice of pineapple
  • Pumpkin seaweed soup, brown rice, and lime tea
  • Carrot soup, brown rice, and detoxifying tea (to choose from)
  • Brown rice with steamed vegetables and grilled chicken
  • Green salad, a portion of tuna, and tea

Note: if you have liver problems or other medical conditions, if you are taking any medications, consult your doctor before starting your diet.

We recommend reading: Dandelion – has a healing effect on the liver

Do you have a bloated stomach and digestive problems? Is your skin dry or do you have allergies? These are symptoms that your liver has accumulated large amounts of toxins. Therefore, it would be a good idea to follow a detoxification diet.

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