Discover “The Law Of The Mirror ” And Be Happy

The law of the mirror states that what we see in others is actually a reflection of what is inside us. Therefore, if we want to be happy, our happiness does not depend on others, but on ourselves.

Let’s get to know the Mirror Law better , which will teach us how to deal with problems with other people (family members, friends, co-workers).

Things that move you

Each of us is moved by some things; Are you annoyed that your sister-in-law always says the same at lunch? That your parents want to control your life too much? That the children are not honest with you? That you are not appreciated at work? That your brother is selfish? That your friends don’t support you the way you need to?

While everyone is struggling with some problems, many people often expect specific actions from other people and feel disappointed when those expectations are not met.

We ourselves probably disappoint others in the same way, even though we are not even aware of it.

As a first exercise, we suggest you create a list of all the things that are annoying you in your environment.

Things you annoy others with

Now let’s turn the situation around 180 degrees and make a list of the things you can annoy others with. To do this honestly, you should be honest and self-critical. You’re not perfect, you’re human, and you know you’ve screwed up a few times.

Therefore, it is important to learn to be empathetic. This means that you have to be able to put yourself in someone else’s skin.

What does the Law of the Mirror say?

The Law of the Mirror teaches us that when you feel a genuinely negative feeling towards another person, the reason for it is in your heart, not that person. For example, if you feel attacked by someone, it means that you also attacked someone (not necessarily the same person).

If you realize this and avoid it, you may stop attacking others eventually. It’s interesting how different people react to the same situation. For not everyone has the same heart.

Practical exercise

We’re going to pick two people you can’t stand, who hurt, attack or anger you. Next, we’ll make a list of things we’d like to thank those people for. Sometimes it may surprise you and even annoy you, so it takes some effort on your part. But it’s worth the effort.

Probably, these people have done something for you or for your family at one time, they helped you in some aspect.

Then it will be time for something even more difficult. Make a list of the things you would like to apologize for, even if they are small things. You could look at them wrong, talk behind your back, show disrespect, say something unpleasant, or forget to say thank you for something.

It will be a real exercise in humility – the third and final step is intended only for the bravest of people.

Make contact with this person (in person, by phone or letter). Thank you for all the items on the list and ask for forgiveness for the items on the second list.

The results

The previous exercise may seem absurd because many people are too proud to go through it or think that they should be thanked for and asked for forgiveness.

However, this exercise has very surprising results and people react positively to the effects afterwards and are excited.

Where, how, with whom?

This exercise can be done whenever you want and with whomever you need. These are hands-on exercises that almost always produce good results. It’s so simple and so hard at the same time.

However, it’s worth trying, especially with the people you love the most or in the situations that affect you the most.

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