Diverticulitis – Several Treatments

Cabbage and broccoli are among the foods that are helpful in fighting this difficult-to-treat ailment. Potatoes, wheat bread, and apples are also great options.
Diverticulitis - several treatments

Have you ever heard of a condition such as  diverticulitis ? Do you know how to treat them? It is worth remembering to introduce more and more healthy habits into your lifestyle. They will help you stay healthy and avoid potential health problems.

If you are healthy, you must pay attention to any potentially serious symptoms. Therefore, whenever the condition of your body makes you worried, you should contact your doctor.

One of the conditions that you shouldn’t ignore under any circumstances is diverticulitis .

The diverticulum is located in the large intestine. Such localization means that this seemingly minor problem can quickly turn into a life-threatening disease. For this reason, it is recommended that you do everything in your power to follow eating habits that prevent the development of this disease.

Diverticulitis – treatment methods

The goal of diverticulitis treatment is to prevent damage to the body caused by the formation of so-called bags, or diverticula. First of all, it is important to follow the advice given by a specialist.

Diet is a very important element of the treatment. It is imperative to follow a diet rich in fiber. To prevent illness or to avoid deterioration of health, it is recommended to eat large amounts of fruit, vegetables and grains.

a bowl of broccoli - a diet for diverticulitis

We recommend that you gradually increase your fiber intake so that your body can adapt to changes. This way, you will avoid potential problems caused by abdominal pain (these can occur when the disease has not reached an advanced stage).

Cabbage and broccoli are among the foods that are helpful in fighting this difficult-to-treat ailment. Potatoes, wheat bread, and apples are also great options.

A dish to help you find out if you have diverticulitis

To start with, we present a recipe for a dish that will help you determine if you suffer from diverticulitis. To prepare this dish, you need the following ingredients:


  • 1 1/2 cups of lentils (350 g)
  • 2 cups (450 g) of mushrooms
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 g)
  • One teaspoon of flour (3 g)
  • One large onion
a hard-to-digest lentil soup will help you check if you have diverticulitis


  • Boil the lentils and then put them in the pan along with the oil, chopped mushrooms and chopped onion. Stir and add garlic.

If you experience problems after eating this dish, or if you feel worse for a long time, you should not continue eating these foods. The discomfort should disappear after a few days after changing the diet. From this point on, you should start a proper diet.

Another habit you should adopt to improve your health is drinking water regularly.

Pay attention to medications

Sometimes you may also get a doctor’s recommendation to take fiber supplements.

Tablets on the hand

When choosing this alternative, the doctor may instruct the patient to take the drug 3 times a day, as the doses of such a supplement provide the body with up to 10 grams of fiber.

With the help of your doctor

If the situation worsens, there are also other treatments for the disease.

One of the symptoms caused by diverticulitis is bleeding. Although sometimes this symptom may disappear without the need for any treatment,  you should always consult your doctor if you have rectal bleeding .

If the bleeding continues, the last resort is an abdominal surgery known as a colon resection. Its purpose is to eliminate the most damaged part of the intestine and then join the rest of the intestine.

Among other problems with diverticulitis that also require prompt intervention is peritonitis. This condition requires almost immediate surgery. Peritonitis can be fatal if surgery is not performed quickly enough.

female doctor and her patient

If the patient suffers from perforation in the affected area, it should also be operated on. Abscesses are also a disturbing phenomenon. Even a minor trauma is a threat to their health and life. A specialist should carry out a drying procedure.

People who have suffered from diverticulitis know very well how the intestines are sometimes blocked. Partial obstruction does not mean that surgery is necessary. Only complete bowel obstruction requires surgical intervention.

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