Do You Feel Sad? – Find Out How To Fight It!

Remember that when you exercise your brain releases endorphins, the happiness hormones, so when you feel sad, take a walk and avoid the sun by walking briskly.
Do you feel sad?  - Find out how to fight it!

Sadness … hits us unexpectedly more than once, often for no specific reason and when we least expect it. This negative emotion often gets completely out of control, dominates us and makes it difficult for us to function normally. Its sudden attack can be compared to the unexpected turning off of the light, where you are still forced to move in the dark. Sadness suddenly makes no one understand you, and everything and everyone seems to be against you.

Is there any way to fix it? Never give up and never let him take control of you. Sorrow is the enemy that you have to face straight into and never doubt that you can overcome it. While there are times when it seems like it will never go away, don’t give up hope. Today you will learn a few ways that can be useful for you in the fight against sadness.

Together, we chase away sadness!

1. Go for a walk

Walk to sorrow

When you feel that sadness is right at your door, the last thing you need to do is lock yourself in the four walls alone. Never do that! Instead, find an old workout tracksuit, favorite trainers and go for a walk as soon as possible!

Walk at a brisk pace and you will quickly feel like sadness, with each step it moves further away. A bit of fatigue, forcing your heart, bones and muscles to work will have a great effect on your well-being.

The brain will mobilize to secrete  endorphins – the happiness hormones, and all this will contribute to the fact that you will look at the problems that probably caused sadness with a clear and fresh mind.

2. Sit in the sun and close your eyes!

The sun is a cure for sadness

Just 15 minutes spent in peace and quiet in the sun and your body will receive the dose of vitamin D it needs, and you will feel relaxed and pleasantly relaxed.

Therefore, on days when you feel sad, do not shut yourself up in a dark room, but go out into the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine.

3. Give yourself 2 hours off!

Today we are all rushing somewhere… work, duties. However, when we feel sad, there is also a great wall that prevents us from doing anything, and concentration is almost impossible. We lack motivation and willingness to act.

Is there a solution for this? Pause for a moment and give yourself two hours of rest. Enjoy your personal space and time just for yourself. No pressure, no worries and no rush!

4. Write something

Writing for sadness

Have you ever tried to write a diary? If not, this might be the best time to give it a try!

While it may seem childish to many, it’s a great way to organize your thoughts and find out what’s really bothering you, while also being a great way to express yourself.

You don’t have to be a master writer or a future novelist. Use words as a means of freeing yourself from negative emotions, put them on paper, even if they were to be single sentences or words.

5. Cry if you need to


Don’t shy away from it, as at some points it will only come out for good. The sadness should somehow get out of the body.

As a result, the tension is reduced and the body regains its balance. Sometimes it happens that a walk or a conversation with a friend is not enough. Tears are a natural and healthy reaction that cleans the body and spirit of negative emotions.

6. Ask yourself why are you sad?

Do the test. The person you see in the mirror is really you? No, it’s not that attractive and lively woman. The sadness on your face steals your vitality, health and beauty, and you certainly don’t want it to be that way.

Ask yourself, what can you do better? Ask this woman in the mirror what she can do today to draw a new smile on her face.

7. Find someone who will listen to you

A friend for grief

Contrary to appearances, it’s not that simple. Surely you have many relatives and friends who, absorbed in their own affairs and talking about themselves, forget to ask you how you feel today.

At such moments, as interlocutors, choose people who will listen to your problems with interest, sincere enthusiasm and concern. However, never close yourself off and open up to the help of others.

8. Allow yourself to have small pleasures

Why not? Worries and sadness make your attention focus solely on problems, and their severity increases many times over.

It’s best to try to relax and focus your attention on other things. Go to the movies, take a yoga session, go for a walk or visit a museum – find yourself an engaging activity.

Sometimes it is enough to play your favorite music in the comfort of your home. Of course, this will not solve your problems, but it will help you regain your composure, improve your well-being, which will allow you to see things from a different perspective.

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