Dry And Cracked Hands: Protection Against Cold

Dry and chapped hands: protection against cold

Dry and cracked hands are a fairly common problem that affects many people in winter. This is because our hands are exposed to cold temperatures, as are every part of your body.

Have you ever had dry and chapped hands ? If so, you are surely aware of how much they hurt and how irritating they can be. These hands are very sensitive to the effects of winter weather, and people who use them at work are not always able to wear gloves. Can you do anything to protect them then?

The skin that covers your hands often begins to dry out and crack. This is because there are hair follicles on top of them and the skin produces a small amount of fat. Thus, the back of the hand has few elements that can protect it from the effects of the weather, which makes it easier to dry out.

However, it is completely different with the inside of our hands. They have some protection against bad weather conditions. For example, they are able to produce sweat that regulates their temperature.

Cool weather leads to cracking hands as it dries out and dehydrates the skin cells that cover them. A dry dermis leads to the breakdown of intercellular bonds, which translates into its cracked appearance.

Why do hands dry up and crack?

Cracked hands appear not only because of low temperatures. There are also other winter weather conditions that involve cracking the skin. What’s more, they can also be caused by other factors, completely unrelated to the weather.

Sudden changes in temperature are quite common. Many of us live in overheated interiors, and when we step outside, our skin experiences thermal shock. This change from heat to cold affects the dermis badly.

As we said before, exposure to low temperatures leads to their drying out. Many people find that frequent hand washing moisturizes the skin. Unfortunately, it is quite the opposite. In fact, moisture can do even more harm when it is accompanied by cold. In this case, the water, instead of moisturizing the skin, dries it even more.

A woman lubricating dry and chapped hands with cream
Sudden temperature changes, as well as contact with some irritating substances, can lead to excessive dryness of the hands and the formation of cracks.

Dry and chapped skin occurs not only from the cold, but also from the use of strong household chemicals, such as detergents, insecticides, and even some soaps and body lotions.

Taking this into account, some companies are developing products that help protect the skin from cracking and not worsen its condition. These include, for example, soaps with surfactants.

Pre-existing dermatological problems and autoimmune conditions are another risk factor, increasing the likelihood of skin dryness and cracking. People with psoriasis find that their symptoms get worse with each passing year. Other genetic diseases, such as hypothyroidism and diabetes, also have a negative effect on the condition of the skin.

Dry and chapped hands: what can you do to prevent them?

The condition of the skin of your hands in winter does not have to keep you awake at night. There are some precautionary measures you can take to prevent your hands from drying out and cracking. Here are a few of them:

  • Wash your hands in lukewarm water. You have to wash them often no matter the weather, so it’s best to use water that is not too warm.
  • Wear gloves whenever possible to protect your hands from both the weather and harmful substances. Make sure your skin is not in direct contact with toxic substances. Also, keep your fingers warm.
  • Moisturizers: Not every lotion will help protect against dry and chapped hands in winter. Therefore, we recommend using those designed to moisturize dry skin. It would be best to find one that uses substances derived from oats. Do not only apply it to the skin, but also to the nails.
A man blowing his hands
You must protect your hands by wearing gloves in winter. Besides, remember to wash them in lukewarm water.

Useful home remedies

Dry and chapped hands do not appear due to the action of bacteria, therefore there is no medicine that can cure them. However, you can prevent this problem from occurring by taking appropriate preventive measures.

There are even several home remedies that can help you get relief. We have collected several substances that perfectly moisturize the skin and do not contain any factors that can lead to its irritation.

Among the helpful home preparations, you should especially pay attention to:

  • Vaseline: Use it in its natural form without adding anything to it. Vaseline will create a protective barrier on your skin and protect it when it is exposed to cold temperatures. We recommend applying it once a week.
  • Cereals: Warm oatmeal is another great product for the skin that covers your hands. Boil the oats in water and then let them cool down. Then dip your hands in the porridge, making sure it is not too hot.
  • Honey: This substance has many health benefits, especially when it comes to the skin. Creates a protective layer on your hands. Combine the honey with a little melted butter and let it cool down. The only problem with this blend is that when you have it on your hands and touch something, you will stain it. Therefore, we recommend performing this treatment when you have nothing to do.
  • Egg yolks: This is a natural moisturizer. Beat the yolks lightly and place them straight onto your hands for 10 to 20 minutes. Repeat this treatment three times a week. This should prevent your hands from cracking due to exposure to cold temperatures.


When it is cold, the skin of the hands dries out very quickly and cracks. To avoid this, you should wear gloves as often as possible. In addition, as we explained earlier, you can use many natural products to help moisturize it.

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