Eczema – Heal Them Naturally

One of the common forms of eczema is atopic dermatitis. It is a chronic inflammation that may be hereditary. It often appears as early as childhood and develops in allergic reactions. 
Eczema - Treat them naturally

Eczema, also known as eczema, is a variety of skin lesions of a chronic nature. They are also called dermatitis (AD), and in most cases they cause dryness and itching. 

Eczema most often appears on:

  • Face
  • On the inside of the elbows and behind the knees
  • On the hands and feet

Remember : scratching the inflamed areas can only worsen the discomfort, increasing the swelling and itching. In addition, acne breakouts tend to spread. Scratching causes scarring and thickening of the epidermis.

There are various forms of this disease. The classification is as follows:

  • Atopic eczema: These can take many forms, but are mainly characterized by dry and red spots that later develop into itchy scabs. It is most common in children.
  • Seborrheic eczema : A mild inflammation of the skin that is characterized by flat, oily, scaly areas that are accompanied by itching. The lesions usually appear on the scalp (not to be confused with dandruff) and on the face.
  • Contact: This  is an allergic form of eczema characterized by redness and severe itching. It occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen. The most common allergens are chrome, nickel, rubber, dyes, substances found in cosmetics and plastics.

Honey – a remedy for eczema

It shows nutritional, detoxifying, immunizing, regulating, lipostable, antibacterial and weakly cytostatic effects. This is a whole range of properties that will help you fight acne breakouts.

honey and eczema


  • 4 tablespoons of honey (100 g)


  • In the area of ​​inflammation, apply honey and rub it in with circular movements.
  • Leave for 2 hours on the surface of the skin.
  • Wash off with plenty of water and don’t cover the area.

Olive oil for eczema

The irreplaceable properties of olive oil have been known for centuries. One of them is effective help in the treatment of eczema. How does this happen?

  • Olive oil soothes the inflammation caused by eczema.
  • It penetrates deeply into the epidermis, nourishing and softening our skin; most importantly, it does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Olive oil contains vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, which help to retain moisture and prevent the skin from drying out.
  • It is rich in squalene and oleocantal which are anti-inflammatory and function as antioxidants.
  • The content of tyrosol and beta-sitosterol minimizes the production of inflammatory compounds.
  • It reduces the amount of bacteria in the skin.


  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml)


  • Spread a dose of olive oil over the skin on the inflamed areas. You can rub it in circular movements with a cotton ball, towel or just your hand.
  • It is important to leave it on for 2 hours as this will increase the chance of relieving eczema.
  • Finally, wash off with plenty of cold water and leave the skin uncovered. 

Apple cider vinegar and the treatment of eczema

This liquid consists of acetic acid and water. It is produced by the fermentation of ethanol with the help of acetic acid bacteria. It works great in the kitchen as a cleaning agent, it has a rejuvenating effect and also has a lot of healing properties.


  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (60 ml)


  • Spray the vinegar over the affected area. As in the previous case: you can use a cotton ball or a clean towel.
  • Let the substance act for 2 hours.
  • Finally, rinse with cool water and leave the skin exposed for a while.

Oranges, mandarins and other citrus for eczema

Huge deposits of vitamin C help reduce the release of histamine, an inflammatory compound that is formed in response to allergens. Citrus can be especially useful for people suffering from eczema or atopic dermatitis.


  • Orange
  • Tangerine
  • Guava


  • Just eat citrus fruits! Eating oranges or mandarins will help eliminate the symptoms of eczema.
  • It is recommended to eat a few pieces of the above-mentioned fruit before or after each meal.

Aloe and eczema

Another very popular home remedy for eczema is aloe vera. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties reduce irritation caused by inflammation and, importantly, lighten scars that have already been created. 

aloe vera in a cup


  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 ml)


  • First, apply aloe vera gel to the area that is affected by the pesky breakouts. Massage the gel with your fingertips. 
  • Let the remedy work for 2 hours, then wash it off with plenty of cold water.

Remember that prevention is extremely important. Try not to expose your skin to large changes in temperature. Eczema skin should neither overheat nor cool down. If possible, use delicate cotton clothes and avoid long and warm baths.

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